For my estrangement dost thou Why dost thou weep
when I
weep,—whereas it came
depart and thou didst parting
from thee,—And restoration
claim; and cravest union
dost implore, when none, when we
ne’er shall re-unite
alas! may be? the same?
Thou sawst my weakness and Thou lookedest on
nothing save
disease, as it appeared, and my weakness
and disease;
saidst, “He goes, nor comes,
and saidst, “Nor goes, nor
or night, or day, for this his comes,
or night, or day, this
sickly frame.”
Seest not that God (exalted be Seest not how Allah
His glory) to His slave His
glory ever be!) deigneth
vouchsafeth all he can conceive to grant
His slave’s petition
of favour fair and free! wherewithal
he came.
If I, to outward vision, be as If I, to eyes of
men be that and
it appears and eke in body, for only
that they see, and this
despite of fate, e’en that
my body show itself so full
which thou dost see. of grief
and grame.
And eke no victual though I And I have nought
of food that
have, unto the holy place shall
supply me to the place
where crowds unto my Lord where
crowds unto my Lord
resort, indeed, to carry me. resort
impelled by single aim.