whom belong might and whom be Honour and
majesty), I felt no pain Glory!) I felt no pain, and
and it was born in upon it became my conviction
me that her prayer had that her prayer had been
been answered.” answered.”
[The girl then praised God, who “straightway took her soul to Him.” The story finishes with some verses which are rendered by Payne and Burton each according to his wont.]
135. Abu al-Hasan.
We will next take “Abu al-Hasan and Abu Ja’afar the Leper.”
V. 49 V. 294
(Lib. Ed.,
iv., 242)
Aboulhusn ed Durraj Abu al-Hasan and Abou Jaafer the and leper Abu Ja’afar the leper
Quoth Aboulhusn ed I had been many times Durraj, I had been many to Mecca (Allah increase times to Mecca (which its honour!) and the folk God increase in honour) used to follow me for my and the folk used to follow knowledge of the road and me by reason of my knowledge remembrance of the water of the road and stations. It happened one the watering-places. It year that I was minded to chanced one year that I make the pilgrimage to was minded to make the the Holy House and visitation pilgrimage to the Holy of the tomb of His House of God and visit the Prophet (on whom be tomb of His prophet (on blessing and the Peace!) whom be peace and blessing), and I said in myself. “I and I said to myself, well know the way and “I know the road and will will fare alone.” So I go alone.” So I set out set out and journeyed till I and journeyed till I came came to Al-Kadisiyah, and to El Cadesiyeh, and entering entering the Mosque there, the Mosque there, saw saw a man suffering from a leper seated in the black leprosy seated in prayer-niche. When he the prayer-niche. Quoth he saw me, he said to me, on seeing me, “O Abu “O Aboulhusn, I crave al-Hasan, I crave thy company thy company to Mecca.” to Meccah.” Quoth I Quoth I to myself, “I to myself, “I fled from all wished to avoid companions, my companions and how and how shall I shall I company with lepers.” company with lepers?” So I said to him, “I will So I said to him, “I will bear no man company,” bear no one company,” and he was silent at my and he was silent. words.
Next day I continued Next day I walked on my journey alone, till I alone, till I came to came to Acabeh, where Al-Akabah, where I entered I entered the Mosque and the mosque and found the