A Life's Morning eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 526 pages of information about A Life's Morning.

A Life's Morning eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 526 pages of information about A Life's Morning.

Wilfrid moved with her to the spot at which she would step from the deck; seeing him follow, Emily threw back one startled glance.  The next moment she again turned, holding out her hand.  He took it, held it, pressed it; nothing could restrain that pressure; his muscles closed upon her slight fingers involuntarily.  Then he watched her walk hurriedly from the landing-stage....

Her we follow.  She had a walk of nearly half an hour, which brought her at length to one of the streets of small lodging-houses which abound in this neighbourhood, and to a door which she opened with her latch-key.  She went upstairs.  Here two rooms were her home.  That which looked upon the street was furnished in the poor bare style which the exterior of the dwelling would have led one to expect.  A very hideous screen of coloured paper hid the fireplace, and in front of the small oblong mirror—­cracked across one corner—­which stood above the mantelpiece were divers ornaments such as one meets with in poor lodging-houses; certain pictures about the walls completed the effect of vulgarity.

Emily let herself sink upon the chintz-covered couch, and lay back, closing her eyes; she had thrown off her hat, but was too weary, too absent in thought, to remove her mantle.  Her face was as colourless as if she had fainted; she kept one hand pressed against her heart.  Unconsciously she had walked home with a very quick step, and quick movement caused her physical suffering.  She sat thus for a quarter of an hour, when there came a tap at the door.

Her landlady entered.

‘Oh, I thought, Miss Hood,’ she began, ’you’d maybe rung the bell as usual, and I hadn’t heard it.  I do sometimes think I’m getting a little hard of hearing; my husband tell me of it.  Will you have the tea made?’

‘Thank you, Mrs. Willis,’ Emily replied, rising.

She opened a low cupboard beside the fireplace, took out a tea-pot, and put some tea into it.

‘You’d have a long walk, I suppose,’ continued the woman, ’and delightful weather for it, too.  But you must mind as you don’t over-tire yourself.  You don’t look very strong, if I may say it.’

‘Oh, I am very well,’ was the mechanical reply.

After a few more remarks the landlady took away the teapot.  Emily then drew out a cloth from the cupboard, and other things needful for her evening meal.  Presently the tea-pot returned filled with hot water.  Emily was glad to pour out a cup and drink it, but she ate nothing.  In a short time she rang the bell to have the things removed.  This time a little girl appeared.

‘Eh, Miss,’ was the exclamation of the child, on examining the state of the table, ‘you haven’t eaten nothing!’

‘No, I don’t want anything just now, Milly,’ was the quiet reply.

‘Shall I leave the bread and butter out?’

‘No, thank you.  I’ll have some later.’

‘Is there anything I could get you, Miss?’

Project Gutenberg
A Life's Morning from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.