Demos eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 744 pages of information about Demos.

Demos eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 744 pages of information about Demos.

She explained.  It was needless, she thought, to give a reason for her search in the lower cupboard; but the first thing that occurred to Mutimer was to demand such reason.

A moment’s hesitation; then: 

’A piece of money rolled down behind the shelf on which the books are; there is a gap at the back.  I suppose that is how the will fell down.’

His eye was now steadily fixed upon her, coldly scrutinising, as one regards a suspected stranger.  Adela was made wretched by the inevitable falsehood.  She felt herself reddening under his gaze.

He seemed to fall into absent-mindedness, then re-read the document.  Then he took out his watch.

‘The people are out of church.  Come and show me where it was.’

With a deep sense of relief she went away to put on her bonnet.  To escape for a moment was what she needed, and the self-command of his voice seemed to assure her against her worst fears.  She felt grateful to him for preserving his dignity.  The future lost one of its terrors if only she could respect him.

They walked side by side to the church in silence:  Mutimer had put the will into his pocket.  At the wicket he paused.

‘Will Wyvern be in there?’

The question was answered by the appearance of the vicar himself, who just then came forth from the front doorway.  He approached them, with a hope that Adela had not been obliged to leave through indisposition.

‘A little faintness,’ Mutimer was quick to reply.  ’We are going to look for something she dropped in the pew.’

Mr. Wyvern passed on.  Only the pew-opener was moving about the aisles.  She looked with surprise at the pair as they entered.

‘Tell her the same,’ Mutimer commanded, under his breath.

The old woman was of course ready with offers of assistance, but a word from Richard sufficed to keep her away.

The examination was quickly made, and .they returned as they had come, without exchanging a word on the way.  They went upstairs again to the boudoir.

‘Sit down,’ Mutimer said briefly.

He himself continued to stand, again examining the will.

‘I should think,’ he began slowly, ’it’s as likely as not that this is a forgery.’

‘A forgery?  But who could have—­’

Her voice failed.

‘He’s not likely to have run the risk himself, I suppose,’ Mutimer pursued, with a quiet sneer, ’but no doubt there are people who would benefit by it.’

Adela had an impulse of indignation.  It showed intself in her cold, steady reply.

‘The will was thick with dust.  It has been lying there a long time.’

‘Of course.  They wouldn’t bungle over an important thing like this.’

Project Gutenberg
Demos from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.