and carelessness before she left that I got that little
Italian boy to mend so that you cant see the join
for 2 shillings wouldnt even teem the potatoes for
you of course shes right not to ruin her hands I noticed
he was always talking to her lately at the table explaining
things in the paper and she pretending to understand
sly of course that comes from his side of the house
he cant say I pretend things can he Im too honest as
a matter of fact and helping her into her coat but
if there was anything wrong with her its me shed tell
not him I suppose he thinks Im finished out and laid
on the shelf well Im not no nor anything like it well
see well see now shes well on for flirting too with
Tom Devans two sons imitating me whistling with those
romps of Murray girls calling for her can Milly come
out please shes in great demand to pick what they can
out of her round in Nelson street riding Harry Devans
bicycle at night its as well he sent her where she
is she was just getting out of bounds wanting to go
on the skatingrink and smoking their cigarettes through
their nose I smelt it off her dress when I was biting
off the thread of the button I sewed on to the bottom
of her jacket she couldnt hide much from me I tell
you only I oughtnt to have stitched it and it on her
it brings a parting and the last plumpudding too split
in 2 halves see it comes out no matter what they say
her tongue is a bit too long for my taste your blouse
is open too low she says to me the pan calling the
kettle blackbottom and I had to tell her not to cock
her legs up like that on show on the windowsill before
all the people passing they all look at her like me
when I was her age of course any old rag looks well
on you then a great touchmenot too in her own way
at the Only Way in the Theatre royal take your foot
away out of that I hate people touching me afraid of
her life Id crush her skirt with the pleats a lot
of that touching must go on in theatres in the crush
in the dark theyre always trying to wiggle up to you
that fellow in the pit at the Gaiety for Beerbohm Tree
in Trilby the last time Ill ever go there to be squashed
like that for any Trilby or her barebum every two
minutes tipping me there and looking away hes a bit
daft I think I saw him after trying to get near two
stylishdressed ladies outside Switzers window at the
same little game I recognised him on the moment the
face and everything but he didnt remember me yes and
she didnt even want me to kiss her at the Broadstone
going away well I hope shell get someone to dance
attendance on her the way I did when she was down
with the mumps and her glands swollen wheres this and
wheres that of course she cant feel anything deep
yet I never came properly till I was what 22 or so
it went into the wrong place always only the usual
girls nonsense and giggling that Conny Connolly writing
to her in white ink on black paper sealed with sealingwax
though she clapped when the curtain came down because
he looked so handsome then we had Martin Harvey for