assembly and sound clear and gunfire for the men to
cross the lines and the warden marching with his keys
to lock the gates and the bagpipes and only captain
Groves and father talking about Rorkes drift and Plevna
and sir Garnet Wolseley and Gordon at Khartoum lighting
their pipes for them everytime they went out drunken
old devil with his grog on the windowsill catch him
leaving any of it picking his nose trying to think
of some other dirty story to tell up in a corner but
he never forgot himself when I was there sending me
out of the room on some blind excuse paying his compliments
the Bushmills whisky talking of course but hed do
the same to the next woman that came along I suppose
he died of galloping drink ages ago the days like years
not a letter from a living soul except the odd few
I posted to myself with bits of paper in them so bored
sometimes I could fight with my nails listening to
that old Arab with the one eye and his heass of an
instrument singing his heah heah aheah all my compriments
on your hotchapotch of your heass as bad as now with
the hands hanging off me looking out of the window
if there was a nice fellow even in the opposite house
that medical in Holles street the nurse was after
when I put on my gloves and hat at the window to show
I was going out not a notion what I meant arent they
thick never understand what you say even youd want
to print it up on a big poster for them not even if
you shake hands twice with the left he didnt recognise
me either when I half frowned at him outside Westland
row chapel where does their great intelligence come
in Id like to know grey matter they have it all in
their tail if you ask me those country gougers up in
the City Arms intelligence they had a damn sight less
than the bulls and cows they were selling the meat
and the coalmans bell that noisy bugger trying to
swindle me with the wrong bill he took out of his hat
what a pair of paws and pots and pans and kettles
to mend any broken bottles for a poor man today and
no visitors or post ever except his cheques or some
advertisement like that wonderworker they sent him
addressed dear Madam only his letter and the card
from Milly this morning see she wrote a letter to
him who did I get the last letter from O Mrs Dwenn
now what possessed her to write from Canada after
so many years to know the recipe I had for pisto madrileno
Floey Dillon since she wrote to say she was married
to a very rich architect if Im to believe all I hear
with a villa and eight rooms her father was an awfully
nice man he was near seventy always goodhumoured well
now Miss Tweedy or Miss Gillespie theres the piannyer
that was a solid silver coffee service he had too on
the mahogany sideboard then dying so far away I hate
people that have always their poor story to tell everybody
has their own troubles that poor Nancy Blake died
a month ago of acute neumonia well I didnt know her
so well as all that she was Floeys friend more than
mine poor Nancy its a bother having to answer he always