Ulysses eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 997 pages of information about Ulysses.

Ulysses eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 997 pages of information about Ulysses.
Bella from within the hall urges on her whoresThey blow ICKYLICKYSTICKY
yumyum kissesCorny Kelleher replies with A ghastly lewd smileThe
silent LECHERS turn to pay the jarveyZoe and Kitty still point right
Bloom, parting them swiftly, draws his CALIPH’S hood and Poncho and
hurries down the steps with sideways faceIncog Haroun al Raschid he
flits behind the silent LECHERS and hastens on by the railings with fleet
step of A pard strewing the drag behind him, torn envelopes drenched in
aniseed. The ashplant marks his stride.  A pack of bloodhounds, led by
Hornblower of trinity brandishing A DOGWHIP in tallyho cap and an old
pair of grey trousers, follow from Fir, picking up the scent, nearer,
baying, panting, at fault, breaking away, throwing their tongues, biting
his heels, leaping at his tailHe walks, runs, ZIGZAGS, gallops, lugs
laid backHe is PELTED with gravel, CABBAGESTUMPS, BISCUITBOXES, eggs,
potatoes, dead codfish, woman’s slipperslappersAfter him FRESHFOUND the
hue and cry Zigzag gallops in hot pursuit of follow my leader:  65 C, 66
C, night watch, John Henry Menton, wisdom Hely, V. B. Dillon, councillor
Nannetti, Alexander Keyes, Larry O’ROURKE, Joe Cuffe Mrs O’DOWD, pisser
Burke, the nameless one, Mrs Riordan, the citizen, Garryowen,
CHAPWITHAWEN, Chris Callinan, sir Charles Cameron, Benjamin dollard,
Lenehan, Bartell D’ARCY, Joe Hynes, red Murray, editor Brayden, T. M.
Healy, Mr justice Fitzgibbon,
Project Gutenberg
Ulysses from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.