Ulysses eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 997 pages of information about Ulysses.

Ulysses eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 997 pages of information about Ulysses.

Bloom:  (Snatches up Stephen’s ashplant) Me?  Ten shillings?  Haven’t you lifted enough off him?  Didn’t he ...?

Bella:  (Loudly) Here, none of your tall talk.  This isn’t a brothel.  A ten shilling house.

Bloom:  (His head under the lamp, pulls the chainPuling, the GASJET lights up A crushed mauve purple shadeHe raises the ashplant.) Only the chimney’s broken.  Here is all he ...

Bella:  (Shrinks back and screams) Jesus!  Don’t!

Bloom:  (Warding off A blow) To show you how he hit the paper.  There’s not sixpenceworth of damage done.  Ten shillings!

Florry:  (With A glass of water, enters) Where is he?

Bella:  Do you want me to call the police?

Bloom:  O, I know.  Bulldog on the premises.  But he’s a Trinity student.  Patrons of your establishment.  Gentlemen that pay the rent. (He makes A Masonic sign) Know what I mean?  Nephew of the vice-chancellor.  You don’t want a scandal.

Bella:  (Angrily) Trinity.  Coming down here ragging after the boatraces and paying nothing.  Are you my commander here or?  Where is he?  I’ll charge him!  Disgrace him, I will! (She shouts) Zoe!  Zoe!

Bloom:  (Urgently) And if it were your own son in Oxford? (Warningly) I know.

Bella:  (Almost speechless) Who are.  Incog!

Zoe:  (In the doorway) There’s a row on.

Bloom:  What?  Where? (He throws A shilling on the table and starts) That’s for the chimney.  Where?  I need mountain air.

(He hurries out through the hallThe whores pointFlorry follows,
spilling water from her tilted tumblerOn the doorstep all the whores
clustered talk volubly, pointing to the right where the fog has cleared
offFrom the left arrives A jingling hackney carIt slows to in front
of the houseBloom at the halldoor perceives corny Kelleher who is about
to dismount from the car with two silent LECHERS.  He averts his face

Project Gutenberg
Ulysses from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.