Ulysses eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 997 pages of information about Ulysses.

Ulysses eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 997 pages of information about Ulysses.

Hynes:  (Coldly) You are a perfect stranger.

Second watch:  (Points to the corner) The bomb is here.

First watch:  Infernal machine with a time fuse.

Bloom:  No, no.  Pig’s feet.  I was at a funeral.

First watch:  (Draws his truncheon) Liar!

(The Beagle lifts his snout, showing the grey scorbutic face of Paddy
DignamHe has gnawed allHe exhales A putrid CARCASEFED breathHe
grows to human size and shapeHis dachshund coat becomes A brown
mortuary habitHis green eye flashes bloodshotHalf of one ear, all the
nose and both thumbs are GHOULEATEN.)

Paddy Dignam:  (In A hollow voice) It is true.  It was my funeral.  Doctor Finucane pronounced life extinct when I succumbed to the disease from natural causes.

(He lifts his mutilated ashen face MOONWARDS and bays lugubriously.)

Bloom:  (In triumph) You hear?

Paddy Dignam:  Bloom, I am Paddy Dignam’s spirit.  List, list, O list!

Bloom:  The voice is the voice of Esau.

Second watch:  (Blesses himself) How is that possible?

First watch:  It is not in the penny catechism.

Paddy Dignam:  By metempsychosis.  Spooks.

A voice:  O rocks.

Paddy Dignam:  (Earnestly) Once I was in the employ of Mr J. H. Menton, solicitor, commissioner for oaths and affidavits, of 27 Bachelor’s Walk.  Now I am defunct, the wall of the heart hypertrophied.  Hard lines.  The poor wife was awfully cut up.  How is she bearing it?  Keep her off that bottle of sherry. (He looks round him) A lamp.  I must satisfy an animal need.  That buttermilk didn’t agree with me.

(The portly figure of John O’CONNELL, caretaker, stands forth, holding A
bunch of keys tied with crapeBeside him stands father coffey, chaplain,
TOADBELLIED, WRYNECKED, in A surplice and Bandanna Nightcap, holding
sleepily A staff twisted poppies.)

Father coffey:  (Yawns, then chants with A hoarse croak) Namine.  Jacobs. 
Vobiscuits.  Amen.

Project Gutenberg
Ulysses from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.