a bramblebush to be a rose upon the rood of time.
Mark me now. In woman’s womb word is made
flesh but in the spirit of the maker all flesh that
passes becomes the word that shall not pass away.
This is the postcreation. OMNIS
Caro ad
te VENIET. No question but her name is puissant
who aventried the dear corse of our Agenbuyer, Healer
and Herd, our mighty mother and mother most venerable
and Bernardus saith aptly that She hath an OMNIPOTENTIAM
DEIPARAE SUPPLICEM, that is to wit, an almightiness
of petition because she is the second Eve and she
won us, saith Augustine too, whereas that other, our
grandam, which we are linked up with by successive
anastomosis of navelcords sold us all, seed, breed
and generation, for a penny pippin. But here
is the matter now. Or she knew him, that second
I say, and was but creature of her creature, VERGINE
Madre, FIGLIA DI TUO FIGLIO, or she knew him
not and then stands she in the one denial or ignorancy
with Peter Piscator who lives in the house that Jack
built and with Joseph the joiner patron of the happy
demise of all unhappy marriages, PARCEQUE M.
Taxil nous A DIT QUE
position C’ETAIT
le Sacre pigeon,
Ventre de
dieu! ENTWEDER transubstantiality
consubstantiality but in no case subsubstantiality.
And all cried out upon it for a very scurvy word.
A pregnancy without joy, he said, a birth without
pangs, a body without blemish, a belly without bigness.
Let the lewd with faith and fervour worship.
With will will we withstand, withsay.
Hereupon Punch Costello dinged with his fist upon
the board and would sing a bawdy catch staboo
STABELLA about a wench that was put in pod of a jolly
swashbuckler in Almany which he did straightways now
attack: The first three months
she was not well, staboo,
when here nurse Quigley from the door angerly bid
them hist ye should shame you nor was it not meet as
she remembered them being her mind was to have all
orderly against lord Andrew came for because she was
jealous that no gasteful turmoil might shorten the
honour of her guard. It was an ancient and a sad
matron of a sedate look and christian walking, in
habit dun beseeming her megrims and wrinkled visage,
nor did her hortative want of it effect for incontinently
Punch Costello was of them all embraided and they reclaimed
the churl with civil rudeness some and shaked him with
menace of blandishments others whiles they all chode
with him, a murrain seize the dolt, what a devil he
would be at, thou chuff, thou puny, thou got in peasestraw,
thou losel, thou chitterling, thou spawn of a rebel,
thou dykedropt, thou abortion thou, to shut up his
drunken drool out of that like a curse of God ape,
the good sir Leopold that had for his cognisance the
flower of quiet, margerain gentle, advising also the
time’s occasion as most sacred and most worthy
to be most sacred. In Horne’s house rest
should reign.