The Duchess of Berry and the Court of Charles X eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 252 pages of information about The Duchess of Berry and the Court of Charles X.

The Duchess of Berry and the Court of Charles X eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 252 pages of information about The Duchess of Berry and the Court of Charles X.

Reaching the Parvis de Notre-Dame, the sovereign, before entering the Cathedral, paused before the threshold of the Hotel-Dieu.  Fifty nuns presented themselves before him, “Sire,” said the Prioress, “you pause before the house so justly termed the Hotel-Dieu, which has always been honored with the protection of our kings.  We shall never forget, Sire, that the sick have seen at their bedside the Prince who is today their King.  They know that at this moment your march is arrested by charity.  We shall tell them that the King is concerned for their ills, and it will be a solace to them.  Sire, we offer you our homage, our vows, and the assurance that we shall always fulfil with zeal our duties to the sick.”  Charles X. replied:  “I know with what zeal you and these gentlemen serve the poor.  Continue, Mesdames, and you can count on my benevolence and on my constant protection.”

The King was received at the Metropolitan Church by the Archbishop of Paris at the head of his clergy.  The Domine salvum, fac regem, was intoned and repeated by the deputations of all the authorities and by the crowd filling the nave, the side-aisles, and the tribunes of the vast basilica.  Then a numerous body of singers sang the Te Deum.  On leaving the church, the King remounted his horse and returned to the Tuileries, along the quais, to the sound of salvos of artillery and the acclamations of the crowd.  The Duchess of Berry, who had followed the King through all the ceremonies, entered the Chateau with him, and immediately addressed to the Governess of the Children of France this note:  “From Saint Cloud to Notre-Dame, from Notre-Dame to the Tuileries, the King has been accompanied by acclamations, signs of approval and of love.”

Charles X., on Thursday, the 30th September, had to attend a review on the Champ-de-Mars.  The morning of this day, the readers of all the journals found in them a decree abolishing the censorship and restoring liberty of the press.  The enthusiasm was immense.  The Journal de Paris wrote:  “Today all is joy, confidence, hope.  The enthusiasm excited by the new reign would be far too ill at ease under a censorship.  None can be exercised over the public gratitude.  It must be allowed full expansion.  Happy is the Council of His Majesty to greet the new King with an act so worthy of him.  It is the banquet of this joyous accession; for to give liberty to the press is to give free course to the benedictions merited by Charles X.”

The review was superb.  After having heard Mass in the chapel of the Chateau of the Tuileries, the King mounted his horse at half-past eleven, and, accompanied by the Dauphin, the Duke of Orleans, and the Duke of Bourbon, proceeded to the Champ-de-Mars.  Two caleches followed; the one was occupied by the Dauphiness, the Duchess of Berry, and the Duke of Bordeaux in the uniform of a colonel of cuirassiers,—­a four-year old colonel,—­the other by the Duchess of Orleans and Mademoiselle of Orleans, her

Project Gutenberg
The Duchess of Berry and the Court of Charles X from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.