Mastery of Self for Wealth Power Success eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 80 pages of information about Mastery of Self for Wealth Power Success.

Mastery of Self for Wealth Power Success eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 80 pages of information about Mastery of Self for Wealth Power Success.

I am ready to concede that in a sublime state of ultimate evolution there is nothing which a drug or a doctor can do except surgery that may not better be accomplished by the power of harmonic white-life thought claiming health.  But in such a future state disease will long since have vanished.  Nevertheless, we do now certainly know a great law of mental power over the body.  I do not concede any limits, except as above indicated, to the operation of that law if we could get it fully under control.  Its scope, even as matters are, is immense.  The law is real, and it belongs to no particular age or body of people.  It is as long as time and as wide as earth.  Any human being may claim the benefit in total disregard of any philosophy or form of religious belief, provided the white life and the health-claim are with him, under the sole limitations imposed by thousands of years of wrong thought-life in ancestry and similar error in personal past decreasing ability to affirm and realize in a way to secure the full benefits of the law.  It is for every human being, nevertheless, to strive for the inner harmony, to invoke the law of spiritual mastery over the body, and to put forth all possessed and obtainable power of thought and realization for health, in good cheer, with valiant heart, and inspired by the truth that, whatever betide, nought can really harm the abiding self.  “Be not faithless; but believing.”

And so I think that our great Nature-Universe bids us hear these words from the Infinite White Life:  “Sons and daughters of the All-Good, the power of thought and harmony are surely for you.  If you realize your highest liberty and its greatest efficiency as you now are, you will use, not deny, those instrumentalities which are provided in my ministers, Science and Faith.  Must you be a slave either to the material or to the immaterial?  Can you not employ both for your welfare?  May not the king call in whomsoever he will?  All things are yours.”

Let us not fall into the old-time religious error of assuming that some particular philosophy or faith which we have discovered embraces all truth and value.  Let us not label this or that with our little words, and say:  “This is law—­this only.”  The law of thought-power in the physical realm is older than any present civilization.  The law of harmony as the supreme health-restorer and health-builder is not a law created by the Infinite during the last twenty-five years.  I uncover my heart to every soul who is trying for the best things and believes he has found a true way; but I must not believe that this world has been left in stark ignorance of the most fundamental law of our earth-life—­that health in its triune wholeness comes of the white life and the realizing claim—­to await the birth and word of any man or woman in these times.  It is a little too late.  Therefore I say to you who may read these pages:  “Stand free!  Use every means and all methods, material and spiritual (for the material is but a phase of the spiritual), for health and happiness.”

Project Gutenberg
Mastery of Self for Wealth Power Success from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.