Mastery of Self for Wealth Power Success eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 80 pages of information about Mastery of Self for Wealth Power Success.

Mastery of Self for Wealth Power Success eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 80 pages of information about Mastery of Self for Wealth Power Success.
provided its health-suggestion is strong enough and sufficient time is afforded for the full working of the law.  The law does not, of course, cover such cases as broken bones, because treatment then calls for mechanical operations, which involve laws altogether distinct from those that govern harmony among the functions and organs of the body as underfounded by etheric vibrations within the physical, mental and moral fields.

The limits set to self-healing power we do not know for any individual case.  The splendid general law is not overwhelmed, is not contradicted, by such limits, whatever they may be, because the limits are not set by the original intention of the nature of things, but by wrong living and false ideas running through centuries.  As we may not know the limits in any case, and as the great law shines ever before us and is equally for all so far as it may be claimed, and not for a favored few of some particular religious or semi-religious belief, it is ours to seize all advantages afforded by the best medical science together with every atom of power in the white life affirming and realizing physical health at its best.  You do not know your own limits; therefore lay hold upon the law, the universal, age-long law, for all you can derive from its beneficence.  You are not required to turn your back upon any other advantage, but only to swing the law into harmony with that advantage.

Health-tone, then, is really a triune series of full and harmonious ether-movements within the personal field working together for a buoyant right self in a sane and truth-loving mind in a spiritually expressing physical organism.  By so much as it is yours, by so much, in the nature of the case, must fear be an alien and courage the breath of your life.

We may now go on to the general consideration of


It would seem almost unnecessary to suggest the ordinary regimes for health of body.  Nevertheless, I shall refer to these regimes because, first, their importance cannot be overestimated, and secondly because they involve certain laws of laws in relation to health which are seldom worked out in hygienic instruction.

What may be called the laws of laws of health would seem to be as follows: 

1.  Scrupulous Cleanliness of the Body, Without and Within, Makes for Royal Health-Tone.  The law should be given rational, not slavish, obedience.  Your body and your deeper self are in a constant state of interaction.  Material uncleanness consented to contaminates that self.  Uncleanness of the self also contaminates the body.  The white life requires the clean dress of honored flesh.  You are invited, therefore, to affirm always and practically,

    This robe I wear of unsoiled flesh
    Keeps mind and spirit ever fresh.

Project Gutenberg
Mastery of Self for Wealth Power Success from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.