The Master-Christian eBook

Marie Corelli
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 863 pages of information about The Master-Christian.

The Master-Christian eBook

Marie Corelli
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 863 pages of information about The Master-Christian.

“It is all right,” said Leigh quietly, “or rather I should say, it will be all right,—­and it would have been all right long ago, if we had, as Emerson puts it, ‘accepted the hint of each new experience.’  But that is precisely what we will not do.  Woman is the true helpmate of man, and takes a natural joy in being so whenever we will allow it,—­whenever we will give her scope for her actions, freedom for her intelligence, and trust for her instincts.  But for the present many of us still prefer to play savage,—­the complete savage in low life,—­the civilized savage in high.  The complete savage is found in the dockyard labourer, who makes a woman bear his children and then kicks her to death,—­the savage in high life is the man who equally kills the mother of his children, but in another way, namely, by neglect and infidelity, while he treats his numerous mistresses just as the Turk treats the creatures of his harem—­ merely as so many pretty soft animals, requiring to be fed with sweets and ornamented with jewels, and then to be cast aside when done with.  All pure savagery!  But we are slowly evolving from it into something better.  A few of us there are, who honour womanhood,- -a few of us believe in women as guiding stars in our troubled sky,- -a few of us would work and climb to greatness for love of the one woman we adore,—­would conquer all obstacles,—­ay, would die for her if need be, of what is far more difficult, would live for her the life of a hero and martyr!  Yes—­such things are done,—­and men can be found who will do such things—­all for a woman’s sake.”

There was a wonderful passion in his voice,—­a deep thrill of earnestness which carried conviction with sweetness.  Cardinal Bonpre looked at him with a smile.

“You are perhaps one of those men, Mr. Leigh?” he said.

“I do not know,—­I may be,” responded Leigh, a flush rising to his cheeks;—­“but,—­so far, no woman has ever truly loved me, save my mother.  But apart from all personalities, I am a great believer in women.  The love of a good woman is a most powerful lever to raise man to greatness,—­I do not mean by ‘good’ the goody-goody creature,—­no, for that is a sort of woman who does more mischief in her so-called ‘blameless’ life than a very Delilah.  I mean by ‘good’, a strong, pure, great soul in woman,—­sincere, faithful, patient, full of courage and calm,—­and with this I maintain she must prove a truly God-given helpmate to man.  For we are rough creatures at best,—­irritable creatures too!—­you see,” and here a slight smile lighted up his delicate features, “we really do try more or less to reach heights that are beyond us—­we are always fighting for a heaven of some sort, whether we make it of gold, or politics, or art;—­it is a ‘heaven’ or a ‘happiness’ that we want;—­ we would be as gods,—­we would scale Olympus,—­and sometimes Olympus refuses to be scaled!  And then we tumble down, very cross, very sore, very much ruffled;—­and it is only a woman who can comfort us then, and by her love and tenderness mend our broken limbs and put salve on our wounded pride.”

Project Gutenberg
The Master-Christian from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.