Ruth eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 595 pages of information about Ruth.
took her seat in the gig, she was little able, even if she had been inclined, to profit by her guardian’s lectures on economy and self-reliance; but she was quiet and silent, looking forward with longing to the night-time, when, in her bedroom, she might give way to all her passionate sorrow at being wrenched from the home where she had lived with her parents, in that utter absence of any anticipation of change, which is either the blessing or the curse of childhood.  But at night there were four other girls in her room, and she could not cry before them.  She watched and waited till, one by one, they dropped off to sleep, and then she buried her face in the pillow, and shook with sobbing grief; and then she paused to conjure up, with fond luxuriance, every recollection of the happy days, so little valued in their uneventful peace while they lasted, so passionately regretted when once gone for ever; to remember every look and word of the dear mother, and to moan afresh over the change caused by her death—­the first clouding in of Ruth’s day of life.  It was Jenny’s sympathy on this first night, when awakened by Ruth’s irrepressible agony, that had made the bond between them.  But Ruth’s loving disposition, continually sending forth fibres in search of nutriment, found no other object for regard among those of her daily life to compensate for the want of natural ties.

But, almost insensibly, Jenny’s place in Ruth’s heart was filled up; there was some one who listened with tender interest to all her little revelations; who questioned her about her early days of happiness, and, in return, spoke of his own childhood—­not so golden in reality as Ruth’s, but more dazzling, when recounted with stories of the beautiful cream-coloured Arabian pony, and the old picture-gallery in the house, and avenues, and terraces, and fountains in the garden, for Ruth to paint, with all the vividness of imagination, as scenery and background for the figure which was growing by slow degrees most prominent in her thoughts.

It must not be supposed that this was affected all at once, though the intermediate stages have been passed over.  On Sunday, Mr. Bellingham only spoke to her to receive the information about the panel; nor did he come to St. Nicholas’ the next, nor yet the following Sunday.  But the third he walked by her side a little way, and, seeing her annoyance, he left her; and then she wished for him back again, and found the day very dreary, and wondered why a strange, undefined feeling, had made her imagine she was doing wrong in walking alongside of one so kind and good as Mr. Bellingham; it had been very foolish of her to be self-conscious all the time, and if ever he spoke to her again she would not think of what people might say, but enjoy the pleasure which his kind words and evident interest in her might give.  Then she thought it was very likely he never would notice her again, for she knew she had been very rude with her short answers; it was very provoking that

Project Gutenberg
Ruth from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.