Wives and Daughters eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,021 pages of information about Wives and Daughters.

Wives and Daughters eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,021 pages of information about Wives and Daughters.
and fresh; not so much so as Molly’s, which had not, in the first instance, been pulled to pieces in picking out the scarlet flowers which now adorned Molly’s hair, and which had since been cherished with more care.  Enough, however, remained of Cynthia’s to show very distinctly that it was not the one Mr. Preston had sent; and it was perhaps to convince himself of this, that he mutely asked to examine it.  But Molly, faithful to what she imagined would be Cynthia’s wish, refused to allow him to touch it; she only held it a little nearer.

’Miss Kirkpatrick has not done me the honour of wearing the bouquet I sent her, I see.  She received it, I suppose, and my note?’

‘Yes,’ said Molly, rather intimidated by the tone in which this was said.  ‘But we had already accepted these two nosegays.’

Mrs. Gibson was just the person to come to the rescue with her honeyed words on such an occasion as the present.  She evidently was rather afraid of Mr. Preston, and wished to keep at peace with him.

’Oh, yes, we were so sorry!  Of course, I don’t mean to say we could be sorry for any one’s kindness; but two such lovely nosegays had been sent from Hamley Hall—­you may see how beautiful from what Molly holds in her hand—­and they had come before yours, Mr Preston.’

’I should have felt honoured if you had accepted of mine, since the young ladies were so well provided for.  I was at some pains in selecting the flowers at Green’s; I think I may say it was rather more recherche than that of Miss Kirkpatrick’s, which Miss Gibson holds so tenderly and securely in her hand.’

’Oh, because Cynthia would take out the most effective flowers to put in my hair!’ exclaimed Molly, eagerly.

‘Did she?’ said Mr. Preston’ with a certain accent of pleasure in his voice, as though he were glad she set so little store by the nosegay; and he walked off to stand behind Cynthia in the quadrille that was being danced; and Molly saw him making her reply to him—­against her will, Molly was sure.  But, somehow, his face and manner implied power over her.  She looked grave, deaf, indifferent, indignant, defiant; but, after a half-whispered speech to Cynthia, at the conclusion of the dance, she evidently threw him an impatient consent to what he was asking, for he walked off with a disagreeable smile of satisfaction on his handsome face.

All this time the murmurs were spreading at the lateness of the party from the Towers, and person after person came up to Mrs. Gibson as if she were the accredited authority as to the earl and countess’s plans.  In one sense this was flattering; but then the acknowledgment of common ignorance and wonder reduced her to the level of the inquirers.  Mrs. Goodenough felt herself particularly aggrieved; she had had her spectacles on for the last hour and a half, in order to be ready for the sight the very first minute any one from the Towers appeared at the door.

Project Gutenberg
Wives and Daughters from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.