Mortal! if life smile on thee, and thou find
All to thy mind,
Think, who did once from Heaven to Hell descend,
Thee to befriend:
So shalt thou dare forego, at His dear call,
Thy best, thine all.
“O Father! not My will, but Thine be done”
So spake the Son.
Be this our charm, mellowing Earth’s ruder noise
Of griefs and joys:
That we may cling for ever to Thy breast
In perfect rest!
As the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth, and I am come to shew thee; for thou art greatly beloved: therefore understand the matter, and consider the vision. Daniel ix. 23.
“O Holy mountain of my God,
How do thy towers
in ruin lie,
How art thou riven and strewn abroad,
Under the rude
and wasteful sky!”
’Twas thus upon his fasting-day
The “Man of Loves” was
fain to pray,
His lattice open toward his darling
Mourning the ruined home he still must love the best.
Oh! for a love like Daniel’s
To wing to Heaven
but one strong prayer
For god’s new Israel,
sunk as low,
Yet flourishing
to sight as fair,
As Sion in her height of pride,
With queens for handmaids at her
With kings her nursing-fathers,
throned high,
And compassed with the world’s too tempting
’Tis true, nor winter stays
thy growth,
Nor torrid summer’s
sickly smile;
The flashing billows of the south
Break not upon
so lone an isle,
But thou, rich vine, art grafted
The fruit of death or life to bear,
Yielding a surer witness every day,
To thine Almighty Author and His steadfast sway.
Oh! grief to think, that grapes
of gall
Should cluster
round thine healthiest shoot!
God’s herald prove a heartless
Who, if he dared,
would fain be mute!
E’en such is this bad world
we see,
Which self-condemned in owning Thee,
Yet dares not open farewell of Thee
For very pride, and her high-boasted Reason’s
What do we then? if far and wide
Men kneel to Christ,
the pure and meek,
Yet rage with passion, swell with
Have we not still
our faith to seek?
Nay—but in steadfast
Kneel on to Him, who loves to bless
The prayer that waits for him; and
trembling strive
To keep the lingering flame in thine own breast alive.
Dark frowned the future e’en
on him,
The loving and
beloved Seer,
What time he saw, through shadows
The boundary of
th’ eternal year;
He only of the sons of men
Named to be heir of glory then.
Else had it bruised too sore his
tender heart
To see god’s ransomed world in wrath and
flame depart