Complete Plays of John Galsworthy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,284 pages of information about Complete Plays of John Galsworthy.

Complete Plays of John Galsworthy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,284 pages of information about Complete Plays of John Galsworthy.

Sir John. [After a long stare] I give you credit for believing what you say.  But let me tell you whatever that fire you talk of—­I’m too old-fashioned to grasp—­one fire you are letting die—­your wife’s love.  By God!  This crew of your new friends, this crew of cranks and jays, if they can make up to you for the loss of her love—­of your career, of all those who used to like and respect you—­so much the better for you.  But if you find yourself bankrupt of affection—­ alone as the last man on earth; if this business ends in your utter ruin and destruction—­as it must—­I shall not pity—­I cannot pity you.  Good-night!

He marches to the door, opens it, and goes out.  More is left standing perfectly still.  The stir and murmur of the street is growing all the time, and slowly forces itself on his consciousness.  He goes to the bay window and looks out; then rings the bell.  It is not answered, and, after turning up the lights, he rings again.  Katherine comes in.  She is wearing a black hat, and black outdoor coat.  She speaks coldly without looking up.

Katherine.  You rang!

More.  For them to shut this room up.

Katherine.  The servants have gone out.  They’re afraid of the house being set on fire.

More.  I see.

Katherine.  They have not your ideals to sustain them. [More winces]
I am going with Helen and Olive to Father’s.

More. [Trying to take in the exact sense of her words] Good!  You prefer that to an hotel? [Katherine nods.  Gently] Will you let me say, Kit, how terribly I feel for you—­Hubert’s——­

Katherine.  Don’t.  I ought to have made what I meant plainer.  I am not coming back.

More.  Not?  Not while the house——­

Katherine.  Not—­at all.

More.  Kit!

Katherine.  I warned you from the first.  You’ve gone too far!

More. [Terribly moved] Do you understand what this means?  After ten years—­and all—­our love!

Katherine.  Was it love?  How could you ever have loved one so unheroic as myself!

More.  This is madness, Kit—­Kit!

Katherine.  Last night I was ready.  You couldn’t.  If you couldn’t then, you never can.  You are very exalted, Stephen.  I don’t like living—­I won’t live, with one whose equal I am not.  This has been coming ever since you made that speech.  I told you that night what the end would be.

More. [Trying to put his arms round her] Don’t be so terribly cruel!

Katherine.  No!  Let’s have the truth!  People so wide apart don’t love!  Let me go!

More.  In God’s name, how can I help the difference in our faiths?

Katherine.  Last night you used the word—­bargain.  Quite right.  I meant to buy you.  I meant to kill your faith.  You showed me what I was doing.  I don’t like to be shown up as a driver of bargains, Stephen.

Project Gutenberg
Complete Plays of John Galsworthy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.