Complete Plays of John Galsworthy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,284 pages of information about Complete Plays of John Galsworthy.

Complete Plays of John Galsworthy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,284 pages of information about Complete Plays of John Galsworthy.

Livens.  Yes, your Worship, I should be very willing.

Magistrate.  Well, I’ll remand them for a week.  Bring them again to-day week; if I see no reason against it then, I ’ll make an order.

Relieving officer.  To-day week, your Worship.

     [The bald constable takes the little girls out by the
     shoulders.  The father follows them.  The magistrate, returning
     to his seat, bends over and talks to his clerk inaudibly.]

Barthwick. [Speaking behind his hand.] A painful case, Roper; very distressing state of things.

Roper.  Hundreds like this in the Police Courts.

Barthwick.  Most distressing!  The more I see of it, the more important this question of the condition of the people seems to become.  I shall certainly make a point of taking up the cudgels in the House.  I shall move——­

     [The magistrate ceases talking to his clerk.]

Clerk.  Remands!

     [Barthwick stops abruptly.  There is a stir and Mrs. Jones
     comes in by the public door; Jones, ushered by policemen, comes
     from the prisoner’s door.  They file into the dock.]

Clerk.  James Jones, Jane Jones.

Usher.  Jane Jones!

Barthwick. [In a whisper.] The purse—­the purse must be kept out of it, Roper.  Whatever happens you must keep that out of the papers.

     [Roper nods.]

Bald constable.  Hush!

[Mrs. Jones, dressed in hey thin, black, wispy dress, and black straw hat, stands motionless with hands crossed on the front rail of the dock.  Jones leans against the back rail of the dock, and keeps half turning, glancing defiantly about him.  He is haggard and unshaven.]

Clerk. [Consulting with his papers.] This is the case remanded from last Wednesday, Sir.  Theft of a silver cigarette-box and assault on the police; the two charges were taken together.  Jane Jones!  James Jones!

Magistrate. [Staring.] Yes, yes; I remember.

Clerk.  Jane Jones.

Mrs. Jones.  Yes, Sir.

Clerk.  Do you admit stealing a silver cigarette-box valued at five pounds, ten shillings, from the house of John Barthwick, M.P., between the hours of 11 p.m. on Easter Monday and 8.45 a.m. on Easter Tuesday last?  Yes, or no?

Mrs. Jones. [In a logy voice.] No, Sir, I do not, sir.

Clerk.  James Jones?  Do you admit stealing a silver cigarette-box valued at five pounds, ten shillings, from the house of John Barthwick, M.P., between the hours of 11 p.m. on Easter Monday and 8.45 A.M. on Easter Tuesday last.  And further making an assault on the police when in the execution of their duty at 3 p.m. on Easter Tuesday?  Yes or no?

Project Gutenberg
Complete Plays of John Galsworthy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.