The Golden Bowl — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 289 pages of information about The Golden Bowl — Volume 1.

The Golden Bowl — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 289 pages of information about The Golden Bowl — Volume 1.
open to grateful, to thirsty millions, the higher, the highest knowledge would shine out to bless the land.  In this house, designed as a gift, primarily, to the people of his adoptive city and native State, the urgency of whose release from the bondage of ugliness he was in a position to measure—­in this museum of museums, a palace of art which was to show for compact as a Greek temple was compact, a receptacle of treasures sifted to positive sanctity, his spirit to-day almost altogether lived, making up, as he would have said, for lost time and haunting the portico in anticipation of the final rites.

These would be the “opening exercises,” the august dedication of the place.  His imagination, he was well aware, got over the ground faster than his judgment; there was much still to do for the production of his first effect.  Foundations were laid and walls were rising, the structure of the shell all determined; but raw haste was forbidden him in a connection so intimate with the highest effects of patience and piety; he should belie himself by completing without a touch at least of the majesty of delay a monument to the religion he wished to propagate, the exemplary passion, the passion for perfection at any price.  He was far from knowing as yet where he would end, but he was admirably definite as to where he wouldn’t begin.  He wouldn’t begin with a small show—­he would begin with a great, and he could scarce have indicated, even had he wished to try, the line of division he had drawn.  He had taken no trouble to indicate it to his fellow-citizens, purveyors and consumers, in his own and the circumjacent commonwealths, of comic matter in large lettering, diurnally “set up,” printed, published, folded and delivered, at the expense of his presumptuous emulation of the snail.  The snail had become for him, under this ironic suggestion, the loveliest beast in nature, and his return to England, of which we are present witnesses, had not been unconnected with the appreciation so determined.  It marked what he liked to mark, that he needed, on the matter in question, instruction from no one on earth.  A couple of years of Europe again, of renewed nearness to changes and chances, refreshed sensibility to the currents of the market, would fall in with the consistency of wisdom, the particular shade of enlightened conviction, that he wished to observe.  It didn’t look like much for a whole family to hang about waiting-they being now, since the birth of his grandson, a whole family; and there was henceforth only one ground in all the world, he felt, on which the question of appearance would ever really again count for him.  He cared that a work of art of price should “look like” the master to whom it might perhaps be deceitfully attributed; but he had ceased on the whole to know any matter of the rest of life by its looks.

Project Gutenberg
The Golden Bowl — Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.