Andersonville — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 177 pages of information about Andersonville — Volume 2.

Andersonville — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 177 pages of information about Andersonville — Volume 2.

The large number of men confined within the Stockade soon, under a defective system of police, and with imperfect arrangements, covered the surface of the low grounds with excrements.  The sinks over the lower portions of the stream were imperfect in their plan and structure, and the excrements were in large measure deposited so near the borders of the stream as not to be washed away, or else accumulated upon the low boggy ground.  The volume of water was not sufficient to wash away the feces, and they accumulated in such quantities in the lower portion of the stream as to form a mass of liquid excrement heavy rains caused the water of the stream to rise, and as the arrangements for the passage of the increased amounts of water out of the Stockade were insufficient, the liquid feces overflowed the low grounds and covered them several inches, after the subsidence of the waters.  The action of the sun upon this putrefying mass of excrements and fragments of bread and meat and bones excited most rapid fermentation and developed a horrible stench.  Improvements were projected for the removal of the filth and for the prevention of its accumulation, but they were only partially and imperfectly carried out.  As the forces of the prisoners were reduced by confinement, want of exercise, improper diet, and by scurvy, diarrhea, and dysentery, they were unable to evacuate their bowels within the stream or along its banks, and the excrements were deposited at the very doors of their tents.  The vast majority appeared to lose all repulsion to filth, and both sick and well disregarded all the laws of hygiene and personal cleanliness.  The accommodations for the sick were imperfect and insufficient.  From the organization of the prison, February 24, 1864, to May 22, the sick were treated within the Stockade.  In the crowded condition of the Stockade, and with the tents and huts clustered thickly around the hospital, it was impossible to secure proper ventilation or to maintain the necessary police.  The Federal prisoners also made frequent forays upon the hospital stores and carried off the food and clothing of the sick.  The hospital was, on the 22d of May, removed to its present site without the Stockade, and five acres of ground covered with oaks and pines appropriated to the use of the sick.

The supply of medical officers has been insufficient from the foundation of the prison.

The nurses and attendants upon the sick have been most generally Federal prisoners, who in too many cases appear to have been devoid of moral principle, and who not only neglected their duties, but were also engaged in extensive robbing of the sick.

From the want of proper police and hygienic regulations alone it is not wonderful that from February 24 to September 21, 1864, nine thousand four hundred and seventy-nine deaths, nearly one-third the entire number of prisoners, should have been recorded.  I found the Stockade and hospital in the following condition during my pathological investigations, instituted in the month of September, 1864: 

Project Gutenberg
Andersonville — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.