Stammering, Its Cause and Cure eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 176 pages of information about Stammering, Its Cause and Cure.

Stammering, Its Cause and Cure eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 176 pages of information about Stammering, Its Cause and Cure.

The Bogue Test:  If the usual entrance examination does not bring out all of the essential facts regarding the case, the stammerer is then put through the Bogue Test—­an original system of diagnosis which I perfected some years ago—­by means of which the peculiarities of the trouble are brought out, the normal, the subnormal and the abnormal condition of the disorder is gauged and the most minute details of the trouble are disclosed.  This Bogue Test covers the case from every possible angle.  It lays bare the exact physical, mental and nervous condition of the stammerer or stutterer, enables me to determine the original cause of the trouble and to follow its progress from the first up to the present time, almost as easily as if the student had been under my observation ever since he first noticed his defect of speech.

I recall the case of a boy who came to me at one time for a personal diagnosis of his case.  I examined him carefully, put him through a number of tests and diagnosed his case, which proved to be in the second stage and of no more than ordinary severity.  He was unable to place himself under my care at that tune but returned to me about eight months later, apparently in no worse condition than before.  Not being satisfied with the results of the examination, the complete test was applied, with the result that a condition of grave seriousness was discovered, marking the most pronounced form of his trouble—­a form so far advanced as to make the case almost incurable.  The situation was explained to the young man and he was told that it would take much longer than usual to bring about a cure in his case, although such a cure was yet possible.  He expressed his willingness to spend as much time as was necessary in the cure and as a result, he was able within some weeks’ time to talk without stuttering or stammering.  The mental sluggishness which marked his conversation soon disappeared.  He became alert and eager and when he left for home, he was a much different boy than when he came for treatment.

This is but one of hundreds of examples showing the need for expert diagnosis and for careful analysis of the condition of the stammerer even if a previous diagnosis has been made within a few months.

In practically all cases of stammering, particularly those of a progressive character, the condition is naturally changeable and common prudence calls for caution in accepting antedated facts as an indication of the present condition.

In every case, the examination enables me to gauge the severity of the case so accurately that the student’s course can be outlined, designating the exact Plan-of-Attack to be used in: 

    1—­Tearing out the improper methods of speech production
    2—­Replacing those incorrect methods with the correct natural
    3—­Re-establishing normal co-ordination between the brain and
       the muscles of speech.

Project Gutenberg
Stammering, Its Cause and Cure from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.