Miscellanies Upon Various Subjects eBook

John Aubrey
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 161 pages of information about Miscellanies Upon Various Subjects.

Miscellanies Upon Various Subjects eBook

John Aubrey
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 161 pages of information about Miscellanies Upon Various Subjects.

      Query 4.

If these events which second-sighted men discover, or foretel, be visibly represented to them, and acted, as it were before their eyes ?


Affirmatively, they see those things visibly; but none sees but themselves; for instance, if a man’s fatal end be hanging, they will see a gibbet, or a rope about his neck:  if beheaded, they will see the man without a head; if drowned, they will see water up to his throat; if unexpected death, they will see a winding sheet about his head:  all which are represented to their view.  One instance I had from a gentleman here, of a Highland gentleman of the Macdonalds, who having a brother that came to visit him, saw him coming in, wanting a head; yet told not his brother he saw any such thing; but within twenty-four hours thereafter, his brother was taken, (being a murderer) and his head cut off, and sent to Edinburgh.  Many such instances might be given,

      Query 5.

If the second-sight be a thing that is troublesome and uneasy to those that have it, and such as they would gladly be rid of?


It is commonly talked by all I spoke with, that it is troublesome; and they would gladly be freed from it, but cannot:  only I heard lately of a man very much troubled in his soul therewith, and by serious begging of God deliverance from it, at length lost the faculty of the second-sight.

      Query 6.

If any person, or persons, truly godly, who may justly be presumed to be such, have been known to have had this gift or faculty ?


Negatively, not any godly, but such as are virtuous.

      Query 7.

If it descends by succession from parents to children ? or if not, whether those that have it can tell how they came by it ?


That it is by succession, I cannot learn; how they came by it, it is hard to know, neither will they tell; which if they did, they are sure of their strokes from an invisible hand.  One instance I heard of one Alien Miller, being in company with some gentlemen, having gotten a little more than ordinary of that strong liquor they were drinking, began to tell stories and strange passages he had been at:  but the said Alien was suddenly removed to the farther end of the house, and was there almost strangled; recovering a little, and coming to the place where he was before, they asked him, what it was that troubled him so ?  He answered he durst not tell; for he had told too much already.

Query 8.  How came they by it ?


Some say by compact with the Devil; some say by converse with those daemons we call fairies.  I have heard, that those that have this faculty of the second-sight, have offered to teach it to such as were curious to know it; upon such and such conditions they would teach them; but their proffers were rejected.

Project Gutenberg
Miscellanies Upon Various Subjects from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.