The Life Everlasting; a reality of romance eBook

Marie Corelli
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 503 pages of information about The Life Everlasting; a reality of romance.

The Life Everlasting; a reality of romance eBook

Marie Corelli
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 503 pages of information about The Life Everlasting; a reality of romance.

Another sigh of pure happiness escaped me,—­I stretched out my arms lazily like one aroused from a long and refreshing slumber.  My sensations were now perfectly exquisite; a fresh and radiant life seemed pouring itself through my veins, and I was content to remain a perfectly passive recipient of such an inflow of health and joy.  The room I found myself in was new to me—­it seemed made up of lovely colourings and a profusion of sweet flowers—­I lay enshrined as it were in the centre of a little temple of beauty.  I had no desire to move or to speak,—­every trouble, every difficulty had passed from my mind, and I watched Aselzion dreamily as he brought a chair to the side of my couch and sat down—­then, taking my hand in his, felt my pulse with an air of close attention.

I smiled again.

“Does it still beat?” I asked, finding my voice suddenly—­“Surely the great sea has drowned it!”

Still holding my hand, he looked full into my eyes.

“’Many waters cannot quench love’!” he quoted softly.  “Dear child, you have proved that truth.  Be satisfied!”

Raising myself on my pillows, I studied his grave face with an earnest scrutiny.

“Tell me,”—­I half whispered—­“Have I failed?”

He pressed my hand encouragingly.

“No!  You have almost conquered!”

Almost!  Only ‘almost’!  I sank back again on the couch, wondering and waiting.  He remained beside me quite silent.  After a little the tension of suspense became unbearable and I spoke again—­

“How did I escape?” I asked—­“Who saved me when I fell?”

He smiled gravely.

“There was nothing to escape from”—­he answered—­“And no one saved you since you were not in danger.”

“Not in danger!” I echoed, amazed.

“No!  Only from yourself!”

I gazed at him, utterly bewildered.  He gave me a kind and reassuring glance.

“Have patience!” he said, gently—­“All shall be explained to you in good time!  Meanwhile this apartment is yours for the rest of your stay here, which will not now be long—­I have had all your things removed from the Probation room in the tower, so that you will no more be troubled by its scenic transformations!” Here he smiled again.  “I will leave you now to recover from the terrors through which you have passed so bravely;—­rest and refresh yourself thoroughly, for you have nothing more to fear.  When you are quite ready touch this”—­and he pointed to a bell—­“I shall hear its summons and will come to you at once.”

Before I could say a word to detain him, he had retired, and I was left alone.

Project Gutenberg
The Life Everlasting; a reality of romance from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.