The Life Everlasting; a reality of romance eBook

Marie Corelli
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 503 pages of information about The Life Everlasting; a reality of romance.

The Life Everlasting; a reality of romance eBook

Marie Corelli
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 503 pages of information about The Life Everlasting; a reality of romance.

So I mused in my inward self, and still I climbed, keeping my eyes fixed on the Figure that led me on, and which now, having reached the end of the spiral stair, was slowly mounting to the highest peak of the rocky pinnacle which lifted itself to the stars.  An icy wind began to blow,—­my feet were bare, and I was thinly clad in my night-gear with only the addition of a white woollen wrap I had hastily flung round me for warmth when I left my bed to follow my spectral leader—­and I shivered through and through with the bitter cold.  Yet I went on resolutely,—­indeed, having started on this perilous adventure, there was no returning, for when I looked back on the way I had come, the spiral stair had completely vanished, and there was nothing but black and empty space!

This discovery so terrified me that for the moment I lost breath, and I came to a halt in the very act of ascending.  Then I saw the Figure in front of me turn round with a threatening movement, and I felt that with one second more of hesitation I should lose my footing altogether and slip away into some vast abysmal depth of unimaginable doom.  Making a strong effort, I caught back my escaping self-control, and forced my shuddering limbs to obey my will and resume their work-and so, slowly, inch by inch, I resumed my climb, sick with giddiness and fear and chilled to the very heart.  Presently I heard a rumbling roar like the sound of great billows rushing into hollow caverns which echoed their breaking in thuds of booming thunder.  Looking up, I saw the Figure I had followed standing still; and I fancied that the sombre draperies in which it was enveloped showed an outline of glimmering light.  Fired by a sudden hope, I set myself to tread the difficult path anew, and presently I too stood still, beside my mysterious Leader.  Above me was a heaven of stars;—­below an unfathomable deep of darkness where nothing was visible;—­but from this nothingness arose a mighty turbulence as of an angry sea.  I remained where I found myself, afraid to move;—­one false step might, I felt, hurl me into a destruction which though it would not be actual death would certainly be something like chaos.  Almost I felt inclined to catch at the cloudy garments of the solemn Figure at my side for safety and protection, and while this desire was yet upon me it turned its veiled head towards me and spoke in a low, deep tone that was infinitely gentle.

“So far!—­and yet not far enough!” it said—­“To what end wilt thou adventure for the sake of Love?”

“To no End whatsoever,”—­I answered with sudden boldness—­“But to everlasting Continuance!”

Again I thought I saw a faint glowing light within its sombre draperies.

“What wouldst thou do for Love?” its voice again enquired—­“Wouldst thou bear all things and believe all things?  Canst thou listen to falsehood bearing witness against truth, and yet love on?  Wilt thou endure all suffering, all misunderstanding, all coldness and cruelty, and yet keep thy soul bright as a burning lamp with the flame of faith and endeavour?  Wouldst thou scale the heavens and plunge to the uttermost hell for the sake of him thou lovest, knowing that thy love must make him one with thee at the God-appointed hour?”

Project Gutenberg
The Life Everlasting; a reality of romance from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.