Beautiful Europe: Belgium eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 44 pages of information about Beautiful Europe.

Beautiful Europe: Belgium eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 44 pages of information about Beautiful Europe.
national feature of the slight curl in one or in both lips.”  A little farther along the same street is the city Picture Gallery, with a small but admirable collection, one of the gems of which is a splendid St. Christopher, with kneeling donors, with their patron saints on either side, that was also painted by Memling in 1484, and ranks as one of his best efforts.  Notice also the portrait of the Canon Van de Paelen, painted by Jan van Eyck in 1436, and representing an old churchman with a typically heavy Flemish face; and the rather unpleasant picture by Gerard David of the unjust judge Sisamnes being flayed alive by order of King Cambyses.  By a turning to the right out of the Rue St. Catherine, you come to the placid Minne Water, or Lac d’Amour, not far from the shores of which is one of those curious beguinages that are characteristic of Flanders, and consist of a number of separate little houses, grouped in community, each of which is inhabited by a beguine, or less strict kind of nun.  In the house of the Lady Superior is preserved the small, but very splendid, memorial brass of a former inmate, who died at about the middle of the fifteenth century.

Wander where you will in the ancient streets of Bruges, and you will not fail to discover everywhere some delightful relic of antiquity, or to stumble at every street corner on some new and charming combination of old houses, with their characteristic crow-stepped, or corbie, gables.  New houses, I suppose, there must really be by scores; but these, being built with inherent good taste (whether unconscious or conscious I do not know) in the traditional style of local building, and with brick that from the first is mellow in tint and harmonizes with its setting, assimilate at once with their neighbours to right and left, and fail to offend the eye by any patchy appearance or crudeness.  Hardly a single street in Bruges is thus without old-world charm; but the architectural heart of the city must be sought in its two market-places, called respectively the Grande Place and the Place du Bourg.  In the former are the brick Halles, with their famous belfry towering above the structure below it, with true Belgian disregard for proportion in height.  It looks, indeed, like tower piled on tower, till one is almost afraid lest the final octagon should be going to topple over!  In the Place du Bourg is a less aspiring group, consisting of the Hotel de Ville, the Chapelle du Saint Sang, the Maison de l’Ancien Greffe, and the Palais de Justice—­all very Flemish in character, and all, in combination, elaborately picturesque.  In the Chapel of the Holy Blood is preserved the crystal cylinder that is said to enshrine certain drops of the blood of Our Saviour that were brought from the Holy Land in 1149 by Theodoric, Count of Flanders, and installed in the Romanesque chapel that he built for their reception, and the crypt of which remains, though the upper chapel has long since been rebuilt, in the fifteenth century.  At certain

Project Gutenberg
Beautiful Europe: Belgium from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.