Australian Search Party eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 111 pages of information about Australian Search Party.

Australian Search Party eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 111 pages of information about Australian Search Party.

Another of the torments to which the traveller is subjected in the North Australian scrubs, is the stinging-tree (’Urtica gigas’), which is very abundant, and ranges in size from a large shrub of thirty feet in height to a small plant measuring only a few inches.  Its leaf is large and peculiar, from being covered with a short silvery hair, which, when shaken, emits a fine pungent dust, most irritating to the skin and nostrils.  If touched, it causes most acute pain, which is felt for months afterwards —­ a dull gnawing pain, accompanied by a burning sensation, particularly in the shoulder, and under the arm, where small lumps often arise.  Even when the sting has quite died away, the unwary bushman is forcibly reminded of his indiscretion each time that the affected part is brought into contact with water.  The fruit is of a pink, fleshy colour, hanging in clusters, and looks so inviting that a stranger is irresistibly tempted to pluck it; but seldom more than once, for though the raspberry-like berries are harmless in themselves, some contact with the leaves is almost unavoidable.  The blacks are said to eat the fruit; but for this I cannot vouch, though I have tasted one or two at odd times, and found them very pleasant.  The worst of this nettle is the tendency it exhibits to shoot up wherever a clearing has been effected.  In passing through the dray tracks cut through the scrub, great caution was necessary to avoid the young plants that cropped up even in a few weeks.  I have never known a case of its being fatal to human beings; but I have seen people subjected by it to great suffering, notably a scientific gentleman, who plucked off a branch and carried it some distance as a curiosity, wondering the while what was causing the pain and numbness in his arm.  Horses I have been die in agony from the sting, the wounded parts becoming paralysed; but strange to say, it does not seem to injure cattle, who dash through scrubs full of it without receiving any damage.  This curious anomaly is well known to all bushmen.

For a couple of hours we followed the tortuous windings of the track, without we white men having the faintest conception where we were going, though the troopers and Lizzie declared that we were pushing straight through.  At length a ray of sunlight became visible, and in a few minutes we emerged from the sombre depths of the jungle, and found ourselves on the banks of a splendid river, the Mackay.  Traces of blacks were seen in every direction, the white sand being covered with their foot-prints.  Abandoned gungales were plentiful on the opposite bank, which was clear of scrub, and whilst we were eating the damper and beef with which each of the party was provided, Lizzie espied a thin column of smoke at no great distance.

Project Gutenberg
Australian Search Party from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.