Dynevor Terrace: or, the clue of life — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 437 pages of information about Dynevor Terrace.

Dynevor Terrace: or, the clue of life — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 437 pages of information about Dynevor Terrace.

Not without hopes of the first, though, as James told him, no one would have nourished them save himself, Louis set forth for Little Northwold, with the same valour which had made him the champion of the Marksedge poacher.  He found the old gentleman good-natured and sympathizing, for he liked the warm friendship of ‘the two boys,’ and had not the most remote idea of their disputing his verdict.

‘It is very unlucky that I was from home,’ he said.  ’I am afraid the disappointment will be the greater from its having gone so far.’

‘May I ask whether you are absolutely pledged to Mr. Powell?’

’Why, yes.  I may say so.  Considering all things, it is best as it is.  I should have been unwilling to vex my good old friend, Mrs. Frost; and yet,’ smiling benignantly on his fretted auditor, ’I have to look out for the school first of all, you know.’

’Perhaps I shall not allow that Mr. Powell is the best look-out for the school, sir.’

’Eh?  The best under the circumstances.  Such a place as this wants experience and discipline more than scholarship.  Powell is the very man, and has been waiting for it long; and young Frost could do much better for himself, if he will only have patience.’

’Then his age is all that is against him?  The only inferiority to Mr. Powell?

’Hm! yes, I may say so.  Inferior?  No, he is superior enough; it is a mere joke to compare them; but this is not a post for one of your young unmarried men.’

‘If that be all,’ cried Louis, ’the objection would be soon removed.  It may be an inducement to hear that you would be making two people happy instead of one.’

‘Now, don’t tell me so!’ almost angrily exclaimed the Squire.  ’Jem Frost marry!  He has no business to think of it these ten years!  He ought to be minding his grandmother and sister.  To marry on that school would be serving poor Mrs. Frost exactly as his poor absurd father did before him, and she is too old to have all that over again.  I thought he was of a different sort of stamp.’

‘My aunt gives her full consent.’

’I’ve no doubt of it! just like her!  But he ought to be ashamed to ask her, at her age, when she should have every comfort he could give her.  Pray, who is the lady?  There was some nonsense afloat about Miss Conway; but I never believed him so foolish!’

’It is perfectly true, but I must beg you not to mention it; I ought not to have been betrayed into mentioning it.’

’You need not caution me.  It is not news I should be forward to spread.  What does your father say to it?’

‘The engagement took place since he left England.’

Project Gutenberg
Dynevor Terrace: or, the clue of life — Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.