We had made about fifty miles this day with sail and oar, and now, far in the evening, our boat was grating against the bulrushes of its native port, and its keel recognized the Concord mud, where some semblance of its outline was still preserved in the flattened flags which had scarce yet erected themselves since our departure; and we leaped gladly on shore, drawing it up, and fastening it to the wild apple-tree, whose stem still bore the mark which its chain had worn in the chafing of the spring freshets.
In the original text, there were accented letters in a few lines, as follows:
Saber, according to the French traveller and naturalist, Botta, is celebrated for producing the Kat-tree, of which “the soft tops
would be our Kat-trees.
“Now turn again, turn again, said the pinder,
began, in Alwakidis’ Arabian Chronicle: “I was informed by Ahmed Almatin Aljorhami, who had it from Rephaa Ebn Kais Alamiri, who had it from Saiph Ebn Fabalah Alchatquarmi, who had it from Thabet Ebn Alkamah, who said he was present at the action.”
collections as they have at the Catacombs, Pere la Chaise, Mount
ignotis insultavere carinae;_ “and keels which had long stood on high mountains careered insultingly (insultavere) over unknown
si bona norint_, there are no more quiet Tempes, nor more poetic
“Stat contra ratio, et secretam garrit in aurem,
An passim sequeris corvos,
testave, lutove,
Securus quo pes ferat,
atque ex tempore vivis?”
occasion the post-boy snivelling, “Signor perdonate, questa e la
Purpureo: Solemque suum, sua sidera norunt.
For the greek text transcription, the scheme at http://www.traditio.com/tradlib/greek.txt was used.