Tom Swift and His Wireless Message: or, the castaways of Earthquake island eBook

Victor Appleton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 157 pages of information about Tom Swift and His Wireless Message.

Tom Swift and His Wireless Message: or, the castaways of Earthquake island eBook

Victor Appleton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 157 pages of information about Tom Swift and His Wireless Message.

“And so, I fancy, we all would,” added Captain Mentor.  “But we are not likely to.  This island is out of the track of the regular line of vessels.”

“Where are we, anyhow?” inquired Mr. Fenwick.  “What island is this?”

“It isn’t down on the charts, I believe,” was the captain’s reply, “but we won’t be far out, if we call it Earthquake Island.  That name seems to fit it exactly.”

They had walked on, while talking, and now had gone past the broken cliff.  Tom and his two friends of the airship led the way to the camp they had made.  On the way, Mr. Hosbrook related how his yacht had struggled in vain against the tempest, how she had sprung a leak, how the fires had gone out, and how, helpless in the trough of the sea, the gallant vessel began to founder.  Then they had taken to the boats, and had, most unexpectedly come upon the island.

“And since we landed we have had very little to eat,” said Mrs. Nestor.  “We haven’t had a place to sleep, and it has been terrible.  Then, too, the earthquakes!  And my husband and I worried so about Mary.  Oh, Mr. Swift!  Do you think there is any chance of us ever seeing her again?”

“I don’t know,” answered Tom, softly.  “I’ll do all I can to get us off this island.  Perhaps we can build a raft, and set out.  If we stay here there is no telling what will happen, if that scientist’s theory is correct.  But there is our camp, just ahead.  You will be more comfortable, at least for a little while.”

In a short time they were at the place where Tom and the others had built the shack.  The ruins of the airship were examined with interest, and the two women took advantage of the seclusion of the little hut, to get some much needed rest until a meal should be ready.

One was soon in course of preparation by Tom and Mr. Damon, aided by Mate Fordam, of the resolute.  Fortunate it was that Mr. Fenwick had brought along such a supply of food, for there were now many mouths to feed.

That the supper (which the meal really was, for it was getting late) was much enjoyed, goes without saying.  The yacht castaways had subsisted on what little food had been hurriedly put into the life boat, as they left the vessel.

At Tom’s request, while it was yet light, Captain Mentor and some of the men hunted for a spring of fresh water, and found one, for, with the increase in the party, the young inventor saw the necessity for more water.  The spring gave promise of supplying a sufficient quantity.

There was plenty of material at hand for making other shacks, and they were soon in course of construction.  They were made light, as was the one Tom and his friends first built, so that, in case of another shock, no one would be hurt seriously.  The two ladies were given the larger shack, and the men divided themselves between two others that were hastily erected on the beach.  The remainder of the food and stores was taken from the wreck of the airship, and when darkness began to fall, the camp was snug and comfortable, a big fire of driftwood burning brightly.

Project Gutenberg
Tom Swift and His Wireless Message: or, the castaways of Earthquake island from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.