Mr. Hogarth's Will eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 569 pages of information about Mr. Hogarth's Will.

Mr. Hogarth's Will eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 569 pages of information about Mr. Hogarth's Will.

A new element had entered into Miss Phillips’s life.  She was, after her fashion, in love; and she was restless and dissatisfied without the presence of the beloved object.  Dr. Grant was just long enough away to be very welcome when he came; and Jane was a little amused at the manner in which Harriett threw off her languid air of indifference, and talked to this (to Jane) most uninteresting Scotchman, who was so full of national pride and personal vanity.  Jane was very cosmopolitan in her ideas, both by nature and by education.  Her uncle had always had more pride in being a Briton than a North Briton, and never had fired up with indignation at Scotland being included or merged in England.  She did not think Scotchmen intrinsically more capable than English; there was a greater diffusion of elementary knowledge in the northern part of the island, but she thought that in society Englishmen were more agreeable than Scotch, as a general rule, because they were more certain of their own position.  Scotch and Irish people are apt to be afraid that they are looked down upon, and are too often on the look-out for slights to be resented, whereas Englishmen, who do not know much of continental feelings and habits of thought, have a comfortable conviction that the greatest country in the world belongs to them, and that nobody can dispute it.  Dr. Grant was surprised at Jane’s want of nationality, and confided to Harriett that he was greatly disappointed in her; and in spite of Harriett’s professed regard for Jane, she could not help seeing the faults which this keen-sighted observer pointed our.

One day when Dr. Grant and Harriett were in the enjoyment of each other’s company, and flirting in their own interesting manner, and Jane was sitting beside them with the children, Mr. Brandon and Edgar made their appearance.  Emily and little Harriett met Brandon with acclamations, and the little ones rejoiced over him in a very noisy manner, too.  Jane gave him a hearty welcome, for she was really delighted to see his face again, but Miss Phillips and Dr. Grant were scarcely so affectionate.

“Well, here comes the recreant knight,” said Miss Phillips.  “What have you got to say for yourself, Mr. Brandon?”

“To say for myself!  Oh!  I have a great deal to say for myself.  I have seen a great deal since we parted in London.”

“But why have you left your own business and my brother’s, and gone wool-gathering in South Australia?”

“I have just gone wool-gathering, and that must be my excuse.  Phillips will admire the sheep, I am sure.  They have just got home in first-rate condition; easy travelling and plenty of time.  But where is Mr. Phillips and Mrs. Phillips?”

“Oh, mamma is in Melbourne, and we have got a new little brother, and his name is to be Vivian, after uncle Vivian, you know; and papa is out over the runs, and will be back on Saturday; and I am sure he will be very glad to see you, and Edgar too, I dare say,” said Emily.

Project Gutenberg
Mr. Hogarth's Will from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.