The Mystery of a Hansom Cab eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 338 pages of information about The Mystery of a Hansom Cab.

The Mystery of a Hansom Cab eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 338 pages of information about The Mystery of a Hansom Cab.

At Christmas time Mr. Frettlby had asked several people up from Melbourne, and though Madge would rather have been left alone, yet she could not refuse her father, and had to play hostess with a smiling brow and aching heart.

Felix Rolleston, who a month since had joined the noble army of benedicts, was there with Mrs. Rolleston, Nee Miss Featherweight, who ruled him with a rod of iron.  Having bought Felix with her money, she had determined to make good use of him, and, being ambitious to shine in Melbourne society, had insisted upon Felix studying politics, so that when the next general election came round he could enter Parliament.  Felix had rebelled at first, but ultimately gave way, as he found that when he had a good novel concealed among his parliamentary papers time passed quite pleasantly, and he got the reputation of a hard worker at little cost.  They had brought up Julia with them, and this young person had made up her mind to become the second Mrs. Frettlby.  She had not received much encouragement, but, like the English at Waterloo, did not know when she was beaten, and carried on the siege of Mr. Frettlby’s heart in an undaunted manner.

Dr. Chinston had come up for a little relaxation, and gave never a thought to his anxious patients or the many sick-rooms he was in the habit of visiting.  A young English fellow, called Peterson, who amused himself by travelling; an old colonist, full of reminiscences of the old days, when, “by gad, sir, we hadn’t a gas lamp in the whole of Melbourne,” and several other people, completed the party.  They had all gone off to the billiard-room, and left Madge in her comfortable chair, half-asleep.

Suddenly she started, as she heard a step behind her, and turning, saw Sal Rawlins, in the neatest of black gowns, with a coquettish white cap and apron, and an open book.  Madge had been so delighted with Sal for saving Brian’s life that she had taken her into her service as maid.  Mr. Frettlby had offered strong opposition at first that a fallen woman like Sal should be near his daughter; but Madge was determined to rescue the unhappy girl from the life of sin she was leading, and so at last he reluctantly consented.  Brian, too, had objected, but ultimately yielded, as he saw that Madge had set her heart on it.  Mother Guttersnipe objected at first, characterising the whole affair as “cussed ’umbug,” but she, likewise, gave in, and Sal became maid to Miss Frettlby, who immediately set to work to remedy Sal’s defective education by teaching her to read.  The book she held in her hand was a spelling-book, and this she handed to Madge.

“I think I knows it now, miss,” she said, respectfully, as Madge looked up with a smile.

“Do you, indeed?” said Madge, gaily.  “You will be able to read in no time, Sal.”

“Read this?” said Sal, touching “Tristan:  A Romance, by Zoe.”

“Hardly!” said Madge, picking it up, with a look of contempt.

Project Gutenberg
The Mystery of a Hansom Cab from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.