The Art of Living in Australia ; eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 421 pages of information about The Art of Living in Australia ;.

The Art of Living in Australia ; eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 421 pages of information about The Art of Living in Australia ;.

Having thus gained some knowledge of the structure of the skin, and of its delicate formation, it will be the more readily understood why strict attention to the bath is necessary to produce a healthy frame.  There is a continual new growth of scarf skin going on, and there are likewise the secretions from the perspiration ducts and oil tubes being poured forth.  The outer skin which has served its purpose is being incessantly cast off in the—­form of whitish looking powder, but instead of being thrown clear from the body it clings to it and becomes entangled with the perspiration and oily material, thus forming an impediment to the free action of the skin.  If the pores of the latter be obstructed and occluded in this manner, the impurities which should be removed from the system cannot escape, and have therefore to be expelled by some other channel.  Hence the work of removing this impure and deleterious material is thrown upon the liver, bowels, or kidneys, and often results in their disease.  In our warm climate, where the skin acts more freely than it does in colder latitudes, the use of the bath is certainly indispensable, if the health of the body is to be maintained at all.

The cold bath, at any rate during the summer months, should always be there before breakfast, but in the cooler part of the year the shock may be lessened, if it be desirable, by using tepid water instead of cold.  And since there is, as we have seen, a good deal of oily matter excreted by the skin, it becomes necessary to use something in addition to water for cleansing purposes, for the latter is unable to displace the greasy collection by itself.  The only thing which will render it easy of removal is soap, as by its action it softens the oily material and dislodges it from the skin.  Soap has acquired an evil reputation which it certainly does not deserve, and if it disagrees it is either due to the fact of its being an inferior article, or else the skin itself must be at fault.  The best soap to use is the white, not the mottled, Castile, as it is made from pure olive oil.  By the proper and judicious use of soap the skin is kept soft and natural, and the complexion is maintained in the hue of health.

Even in the matter of washing the face, there is a right way and a wrong way of doing it.  The basin should be moderately filled with water and the face dipped into it, and then the hands.  The latter are to be next well lathered with soap, and gently rubbed all over the face, following into the different depressions, such as the inner corners of the eyes and behind the ears.  It is quite a mistake, however, to apply the lather to the inside of the ears, as it seems to favour the formation of wax; the different depressions and canal of the ears can be very well cleaned by means of the finger tips moistened with water.  The face is then to be dipped into the water a second time and thoroughly rinsed, but it is better to pour away the soapy water for the rinsing. 

Project Gutenberg
The Art of Living in Australia ; from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.