A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 312 pages of information about A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 312 pages of information about A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

But the phrase on the priest’s lips was disingenuous for he knew that a priest should not speak lightly on that theme.  The phrase had been spoken lightly with design and he felt that his face was being searched by the eyes in the shadow.  Whatever he had heard or read of the craft of jesuits he had put aside frankly as not borne out by his own experience.  His masters, even when they had not attracted him, had seemed to him always intelligent and serious priests, athletic and high-spirited prefects.  He thought of them as men who washed their bodies briskly with cold water and wore clean cold linen.  During all the years he had lived among them in Clongowes and in Belvedere he had received only two pandies and, though these had been dealt him in the wrong, he knew that he had often escaped punishment.  During all those years he had never heard from any of his masters a flippant word:  it was they who had taught him christian doctrine and urged him to live a good life and, when he had fallen into grievous sin, it was they who had led him back to grace.  Their presence had made him diffident of himself when he was a muff in Clongowes and it had made him diffident of himself also while he had held his equivocal position in Belvedere.  A constant sense of this had remained with him up to the last year of his school life.  He had never once disobeyed or allowed turbulent companions to seduce him from his habit of quiet obedience; and, even when he doubted some statement of a master, he had never presumed to doubt openly.  Lately some of their judgements had sounded a little childish in his ears and had made him feel a regret and pity as though he were slowly passing out of an accustomed world and were hearing its language for the last time.  One day when some boys had gathered round a priest under the shed near the chapel, he had heard the priest say: 

—­I believe that Lord Macaulay was a man who probably never committed a mortal sin in his life, that is to say, a deliberate mortal sin.

Some of the boys had then asked the priest if Victor Hugo were not the greatest French writer.  The priest had answered that Victor Hugo had never written half so well when he had turned against the church as he had written when he was a catholic.

—­But there are many eminent French critics, said the priest, who consider that even Victor Hugo, great as he certainly was, had not so pure a French style as Louis Veuillot.

The tiny flame which the priest’s allusion had kindled upon Stephen’s cheek had sunk down again and his eyes were still fixed calmly on the colourless sky.  But an unresting doubt flew hither and thither before his mind.  Masked memories passed quickly before him:  he recognized scenes and persons yet he was conscious that he had failed to perceive some vital circumstance in them.  He saw himself walking about the grounds watching the sports in Clongowes and eating slim jim out of his cricket cap.  Some jesuits were walking round the cycle-track in the company of ladies.  The echoes of certain expressions used in Clongowes sounded in remote caves of his mind.

Project Gutenberg
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.