A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 312 pages of information about A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 312 pages of information about A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

—­The next spiritual pain to which the damned are subjected is the pain of extension.  Man, in this earthly life, though he be capable of many evils, is not capable of them all at once, inasmuch as one evil corrects and counteracts another just as one poison frequently corrects another.  In hell, on the contrary, one torment, instead of counteracting another, lends it still greater force:  and, moreover, as the internal faculties are more perfect than the external senses, so are they more capable of suffering.  Just as every sense is afflicted with a fitting torment, so is every spiritual faculty; the fancy with horrible images, the sensitive faculty with alternate longing and rage, the mind and understanding with an interior darkness more terrible even than the exterior darkness which reigns in that dreadful prison.  The malice, impotent though it be, which possesses these demon souls is an evil of boundless extension, of limitless duration, a frightful state of wickedness which we can scarcely realize unless we bear in mind the enormity of sin and the hatred God bears to it.

—­Opposed to this pain of extension and yet coexistent with it we have the pain of intensity.  Hell is the centre of evils and, as you know, things are more intense at their centres than at their remotest points.  There are no contraries or admixtures of any kind to temper or soften in the least the pains of hell.  Nay, things which are good in themselves become evil in hell.  Company, elsewhere a source of comfort to the afflicted, will be there a continual torment:  knowledge, so much longed for as the chief good of the intellect, will there be hated worse than ignorance:  light, so much coveted by all creatures from the lord of creation down to the humblest plant in the forest, will be loathed intensely.  In this life our sorrows are either not very long or not very great because nature either overcomes them by habits or puts an end to them by sinking under their weight.  But in hell the torments cannot be overcome by habit, for while they are of terrible intensity they are at the same time of continual variety, each pain, so to speak, taking fire from another and re-endowing that which has enkindled it with a still fiercer flame.  Nor can nature escape from these intense and various tortures by succumbing to them for the soul is sustained and maintained in evil so that its suffering may be the greater.  Boundless extension of torment, incredible intensity of suffering, unceasing variety of torture—­this is what the divine majesty, so outraged by sinners, demands; this is what the holiness of heaven, slighted and set aside for the lustful and low pleasures of the corrupt flesh, requires; this is what the blood of the innocent Lamb of God, shed for the redemption of sinners, trampled upon by the vilest of the vile, insists upon.

Project Gutenberg
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.