A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 312 pages of information about A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 312 pages of information about A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

The English lesson began with the hearing of the history.  Royal persons, favourites, intriguers, bishops, passed like mute phantoms behind their veil of names.  All had died:  all had been judged.  What did it profit a man to gain the whole world if he lost his soul?  At last he had understood:  and human life lay around him, a plain of peace whereon ant-like men laboured in brotherhood, their dead sleeping under quiet mounds.  The elbow of his companion touched him and his heart was touched:  and when he spoke to answer a question of his master he heard his own voice full of the quietude of humility and contrition.

His soul sank back deeper into depths of contrite peace, no longer able to suffer the pain of dread, and sending forth, as he sank, a faint prayer.  Ah yes, he would still be spared; he would repent in his heart and be forgiven; and then those above, those in heaven, would see what he would do to make up for the past:  a whole life, every hour of life.  Only wait.

—­All, God!  All, all!

A messenger came to the door to say that confessions were being heard in the chapel.  Four boys left the room; and he heard others passing down the corridor.  A tremulous chill blew round his heart, no stronger than a little wind, and yet, listening and suffering silently, he seemed to have laid an ear against the muscle of his own heart, feeling it close and quail, listening to the flutter of its ventricles.

No escape.  He had to confess, to speak out in words what he had done and thought, sin after sin.  How?  How?

—­Father, I...

The thought slid like a cold shining rapier into his tender flesh:  confession.  But not there in the chapel of the college.  He would confess all, every sin of deed and thought, sincerely; but not there among his school companions.  Far away from there in some dark place he would murmur out his own shame; and he besought God humbly not to be offended with him if he did not dare to confess in the college chapel and in utter abjection of spirit he craved forgiveness mutely of the boyish hearts about him.

Time passed.

He sat again in the front bench of the chapel.  The daylight without was already failing and, as it fell slowly through the dull red blinds, it seemed that the sun of the last day was going down and that all souls were being gathered for the judgement.

—­I am cast away from the sight of thine eyes:  words taken, my dear little brothers in Christ, from the Book of Psalms, thirtieth chapter, twenty-third verse.  In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.  Amen.

The preacher began to speak in a quiet friendly tone.  His face was kind and he joined gently the fingers of each hand, forming a frail cage by the union of their tips.

—­This morning we endeavoured, in our reflection upon hell, to make what our holy founder calls in his book of spiritual exercises, the composition of place.  We endeavoured, that is, to imagine with the senses of the mind, in our imagination, the material character of that awful place and of the physical torments which all who are in hell endure.  This evening we shall consider for a few moments the nature of the spiritual torments of hell.

Project Gutenberg
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.