A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 312 pages of information about A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 312 pages of information about A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

—­But what is beauty? asked Lynch impatiently.  Out with another definition.  Something we see and like!  Is that the best you and Aquinas can do?

—­Let us take woman, said Stephen.

—­Let us take her! said Lynch fervently.

—­The Greek, the Turk, the Chinese, the Copt, the Hottentot, said Stephen, all admire a different type of female beauty.  That seems to be a maze out of which we cannot escape.  I see, however, two ways out.  One is this hypothesis:  that every physical quality admired by men in women is in direct connexion with the manifold functions of women for the propagation of the species.  It may be so.  The world, it seems, is drearier than even you, Lynch, imagined.  For my part I dislike that way out.  It leads to eugenics rather than to esthetic.  It leads you out of the maze into a new gaudy lecture-room where MacCann, with one hand on the origin of species and the other hand on the new testament, tells you that you admired the great flanks of Venus because you felt that she would bear you burly offspring and admired her great breasts because you felt that she would give good milk to her children and yours.

—­Then MacCann is a sulphur-yellow liar, said Lynch energetically.

—­There remains another way out, said Stephen, laughing.

—­To wit? said Lynch.

—­This hypothesis, Stephen began.

A long dray laden with old iron came round the corner of Sir Patrick Dun’s hospital covering the end of Stephen’s speech with the harsh roar of jangled and rattling metal.  Lynch closed his ears and gave out oath after oath till the dray had passed.  Then he turned on his heel rudely.  Stephen turned also and waited for a few moments till his companion’s ill-humour had had its vent.

—­This hypothesis, Stephen repeated, is the other way out:  that, though the same object may not seem beautiful to all people, all people who admire a beautiful object find in it certain relations which satisfy and coincide with the stages themselves of all esthetic apprehension.  These relations of the sensible, visible to you through one form and to me through another, must be therefore the necessary qualities of beauty.  Now, we can return to our old friend saint Thomas for another pennyworth of wisdom.

Lynch laughed.

—­It amuses me vastly, he said, to hear you quoting him time after time like a jolly round friar.  Are you laughing in your sleeve?

—­MacAlister, answered Stephen, would call my esthetic theory applied Aquinas.  So far as this side of esthetic philosophy extends, Aquinas will carry me all along the line.  When we come to the phenomena of artistic conception, artistic gestation, and artistic reproduction I require a new terminology and a new personal experience.

—­Of course, said Lynch.  After all Aquinas, in spite of his intellect, was exactly a good round friar.  But you will tell me about the new personal experience and new terminology some other day.  Hurry up and finish the first part.

Project Gutenberg
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.