make right reason act on individual reason, our best
self on our ordinary self, we seek to give it more
power of doing so by giving it public recognition and
authority, and embodying it, so far as we can, in the
State. It seems too much to ask of Providence,
that while we, on our part, leave our congenital taste
for the bathos to its natural operation and its infinite
variety of experiments, Providence should mysteriously
guide it into the true track, and compel it to relish
the sublime. At any rate, great men and great
institutions have hitherto seemed necessary for producing
any considerable effect of this kind. No doubt
we have an infinite variety of experiments, and an
ever-multiplying multitude of explorers; even in this
short paper I have enumerated many: the British
Banner, Judge Edmonds, Newman Weeks, Deborah Butler,
Elderess Polly, Brother Noyes, the Rev. W. Cattle,
the Licensed Victuallers, the Commercial Travellers,
and I know not how [136] many more; and the numbers
of this noble army are swelling every day. But
what a depth of Quietism, or rather, what an over-bold
call on the direct interposition of Providence, to
believe that these interesting explorers will discover
the true track, or at any rate, “will do so
in the main sufficiently” (whatever that may
mean) if left to their natural operation; that is,
by going on as they are! Philosophers say, indeed,
that we learn virtue by performing acts of virtue;
but to say that we shall learn virtue by performing
any acts to which our natural taste for the bathos
carries us, that the Rev. W. Cattle comes at his best
self by Papist-baiting, or Newman Weeks and Deborah
Butler at right reason by following their noses, this
certainly does appear over-sanguine.
It is true, what we want is to make right reason act
on individual reason, the reason of individuals; all
our search for authority has that for its end and
aim. The Daily News says, I observe, that all
my argument for authority “has a non-intellectual
root;” and from what I know of my own mind and
its inertness, I think this so probable, that I should
be inclined easily to admit it, if it were not that,
in [137] the first place, nothing of this kind, perhaps,
should be admitted without examination; and, in the
second, a way of accounting for this charge being
made, in this particular instance, without full grounds,
appears to present itself. What seems to me to
account here, perhaps, for the charge, is the want
of flexibility of our race, on which I have so often
remarked. I mean, it being admitted that the
conformity of the individual reason of the Rev. W.
Cattle or Mr. Bradlaugh with right reason is our true
object, and not the mere restraining them, by the
strong arm of the State, from Papist-baiting or railing-breaking,—admitting
this, we have so little flexibility that we cannot
readily perceive that the State’s restraining
them from these indulgences may yet fix clearly in
their minds that, to the collective nation, these