Our War with Spain for Cuba's Freedom eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 655 pages of information about Our War with Spain for Cuba's Freedom.

Our War with Spain for Cuba's Freedom eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 655 pages of information about Our War with Spain for Cuba's Freedom.

The public must know all about the war, and the only avenue of information is the press.  Never before has any war been covered as to its news features with the accuracy and energy which have characterized this.  American journalism has outstripped the world.  The expense of a news service for this war is something enormous, with little return compensation.  Yet the work is done, metropolitan papers have from ten to twenty correspondents in the field, and the public has the benefit.  Dispatch boats follow the fleets and are present at every battle.  They must be near enough to see, which means that they are in as much danger at times as are the ships of the fighting squadron, far more if one remembers that the former are in no way protected.  Some of them are heavy sea-going tugs and others are yachts.  The expense of charter, insurance and running cost amounts to from $200 to $400 a day each, and yet some metropolitan newspapers have fleets of these boats to the number of six.

All the foregoing facts are related in detail in the volume which these paragraphs introduce.  The only object in reiterating them here is that they are entitled to emphasis for their prominence, and it is desired to call special attention to them and their accompanying matter when the book itself shall be read.  The number of those who believe we are engaged in a righteous war is overwhelming.  The records of the brave deeds of our men afloat and ashore will inspire Americans to be better citizens as long as time shall last.  The country has proven its faith in the cause by giving to the needs of war hundreds of thousands of young men to fight for the liberty of others.  From every corner of the land regiments of volunteer soldiers have sprung in an instant at the call of the President, while as many more are waiting for another call to include those for whom there was not room the first time.  The country which can show such an inspiring movement has little to fear in the race of progress among the nations of the world.



A war for liberty and humanity.

Again at War with a Foreign Power—­Spain’s Significant Flag—­
Three Years Without an American Flag in Cuban Waters—­Visit of the
Maine to Havana Harbor—­The Maine Blown Up by Submerged Mine—­
Action of President and Congress—­Spain Defies America—­Martial
Spirit Spreading—­First Guns Are Fired—­Cuban Ports Blockaded—­
Many Spanish Ships Captured—­Excitement in Havana—­Spain and the
United States Both Declare War—­Internal Dissension Threatens
Spain—­President McKinley Calls a Volunteer Army.

Civilization against barbarism, freedom against oppression, education against ignorance, progress against retrogression, the West against the East, the United States against Spain.  In this cause the flag of freedom was again unfurled in the face of a foreign foe, and our nation entered war against the people of another land, carrying the star spangled banner through successive victories in the name of liberty and humanity.

Project Gutenberg
Our War with Spain for Cuba's Freedom from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.