At the Mercy of Tiberius eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 656 pages of information about At the Mercy of Tiberius.

At the Mercy of Tiberius eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 656 pages of information about At the Mercy of Tiberius.

“All the world knows equally well, that failing to produce the will, Prince has lost his legacy, and must enlist in the army of ’bread-winners’.”

“Then what becomes of ‘Elm Bluff’ and its fine estate?”

“They descend in the line decreed alike by law and nature, to the nearest blood relation.”

Leo felt the blood reddening her throat and cheeks, but under the quick glance of her hazel eyes, his handsome face always en garde showed no embarrassing consciousness.  Fearful of silence, she said in a perplexed, inconsequent tone: 

“How manifestly unjust.  Poor Kittie!”

“Why poor Kittie?  Her beaming face is eloquent repudiation of your pity, and she verily believes her blond-headed, scholarly Prince a bountiful equivalent for all Croesus’ belongings.  Rich little Kittie!  After all, where genuine love reigns, worldly environment matters comparatively little; love makes happiness, and happiness is the reconciler.”

A throb of pain shook the woman’s heart as she realized the bitter truth that he spoke from an experience born out of season:  that he was athirst for that which her fortune, her love, her own fair, graceful self could never give him.

She looked at him, with an arch smile lighting her face, but he saw the trembling of her lips, noted the metallic ring in her voice.

“‘Et in Arcadia Ego?’ Recent associations have rendered you idyllic.  I can recall a period when ‘love in a cottage’ was the target that challenged the keenest arrows of your satire.  Rich little Kittie has my warmest congratulations.  Will Prince remain in X—?”

“How can he?  The demand here for amateur scientists is not sufficiently encouraging; and I rather think he gravitates toward a college professorship, which might at least supply him abundantly with rabbits, turtles, frogs and guinea-pigs for biological manipulation and experiment.  One of the gay balloons floating through his mind, is a series of lectures to be delivered in the large cities.  Heredity is his pet hobby, and he proposes to canter it under the saddle of Weismann’s theory (whatever that may be), expounding it to scientific Americans.  As yet no plans have crystallized.  His allowance was paid semi-annually, but of course it failed him last January, and no alternative presents itself but some attempt to utilize his technical lore.  There is a vacancy in the faculty of C—–­University, and I shall write at once to the board of trustees.”

Like a moth, Leo flitted closer to the flame.

“Will he make no attempt to secure his rights?”

“He is too wise to waste his time in so fruitless an endeavor.”

“Have you advised him to submit tamely to the deprivation of his fortune?”

“He has not consulted me, but Wolverton, who is his cousin, convinced him of the futility of any legal proceedings.”

“Does General Darrington’s granddaughter understand that Prince’s career will be ruined for want of the money to which he is entitled?”

Project Gutenberg
At the Mercy of Tiberius from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.