At the Mercy of Tiberius eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 656 pages of information about At the Mercy of Tiberius.

At the Mercy of Tiberius eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 656 pages of information about At the Mercy of Tiberius.

He kissed her cheek, and when the door closed behind him, she sat down and covered her face with her hands.

Was that witching light already fading in her sky?  Was the storm even now muttering, that would rudely toss aside the rose leaves that garlanded the feet of her beloved?  In the midst of her eloquent prologue would darkness smite suddenly, and end the drama?  Life had poured its richest wine into the cup she held to her lips; should she risk spilling the priceless draught?  She could turn a deaf ear to teazing whispers of suspicion, she could shut her eyes to the spectre that threw up warning hands, and so drift on; but the dream would be broken perhaps too late, and all time could not repair the possible shipwreck.  Into the chill shadow of this problem plunged Miss Patty, bringing through the room the penetrating spicery of an apron full of pinks, which she was sorting and tying in star-shaped clusters.

“An extraordinary and most unexpected thing has happened, and I know you will be surprised.”

“What is it, Aunt Patty?  Something very pleasant, I hope.”

“I have actually changed my opinion; and you know how tenacious I usually am of my well-matured views, because they are always founded on such sound reasons.  Quite surprised, aren’t you, dear?”

“That is far too mild and inadequate a term to express my sensations.  Your views and opinions bear the same royal, inviolable seal as those of the Medes and Persians, and from their unchangeableness must have floated down the stream of Aryan migration, from some infallible fountain in Bactria.  I should not be much more astonished to hear that Cynosure had grown giddy, had swung down and waltzed in the arms of Sirius.”

“Leo, that sounds very pedantic, and there is nothing I dislike more.  A woman bedecked with rags and tags of farfetched learning, is about as attractive an object as if she had turned out a full beard and mustache.  I am very sure you have heard me assert more than once, that I verily believe Venus herself would scare all the men into monasteries, if she wore blue stockings.  Too much learning in a lady’s conversation is as utterly unpardonable as a waste of lemon and nutmeg in a chicken-pie; or a superfluity of cheese in Turbot a la creme; just a hint of the flavor, the merest soupcon is all that is admissible in either.  I came in to tell you, that I have experienced quite a change of feeling with reference to that poor young lady, whom Mr. Dunbar with such officious haste arrested and threw into gaol.  I am now convinced that a great wrong has been committed.”

For a moment Leo stooped to stroke the head of her Siberian hound, crouching on the velvet rug at her feet; then she frankly met the twinkling black eyes that peered over their gold-rimmed spectacles.

“I am glad to hear it; but to what circumstance is so deckled a revulsion of sentiment attributable?”

Project Gutenberg
At the Mercy of Tiberius from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.