The Journal to Stella eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 853 pages of information about The Journal to Stella.

The Journal to Stella eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 853 pages of information about The Journal to Stella.

18.  This morning Mr. Lewis sent me word that Lord Treasurer told him the Queen would determine at noon.  At three Lord Treasurer sent to me to come to his lodgings at St. James’s, and told me the Queen was at last resolved that Dr. Sterne should be Bishop of Dromore, and I Dean of St. Patrick’s; and that Sterne’s warrant should be drawn immediately.  You know the deanery is in the Duke of Ormond’s gift; but this is concerted between the Queen, Lord Treasurer, and the Duke of Ormond, to make room for me.  I do not know whether it will yet be done; some unlucky accident may yet come.  Neither can I feel joy at passing my days in Ireland; and I confess I thought the Ministry would not let me go; but perhaps they can’t help it.  Nite MD.

19.  I forgot to tell you that Lord Treasurer forced me to dine with him yesterday as usual, with his Saturday company; which I did after frequent refusals.  To-day I dined with a private friend, and was not at Court.  After dinner Mr. Lewis sent me a note, that the Queen stayed till she knew whether the Duke of Ormond approved of Sterne for Bishop.  I went this evening, and found the Duke of Ormond at the Cock-pit, and told him, and desired he would go to the Queen, and approve of Sterne.  He made objections, desired I would name any other deanery, for he did not like Sterne; that Sterne never went to see him; that he was influenced by the Archbishop of Dublin, etc.; so all now is broken again.  I sent out for Lord Treasurer, and told him this.  He says all will do well; but I value not what he says.  This suspense vexes me worse than anything else.  Nite MD.

20.  I went to-day, by appointment, to the Cock-pit, to talk with the Duke of Ormond.  He repeated the same proposals of any other deanery, etc.  I desired he would put me out of the case, and do as he pleased.  Then, with great kindness, he said he would consent; but would do it for no man alive but me, etc.  And he will speak to the Queen today or to-morrow; so, perhaps, something will come of it.  I can’t tell.  Nite dee dee logues, MD.

21.  The Duke of Ormond has told the Queen he is satisfied that Sterne should be Bishop, and she consents I shall be Dean; and I suppose the warrants will be drawn in a day or two.  I dined at an ale-house with Parnell and Berkeley; for I am not in humour to go among the Ministers, though Lord Dartmouth invited me to dine with him to-day, and Lord Treasurer was to be there.  I said I would, if I were out of suspense.  Nite deelest MD.

22.  The Queen says warrants shall be drawn, but she will dispose of all in England and Ireland at once, to be teased no more.  This will delay it some time; and, while it is delayed, I am not sure of the Queen, my enemies being busy.  I hate this suspense.  Nite deelest MD.[16]

Project Gutenberg
The Journal to Stella from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.