The Journal to Stella eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 853 pages of information about The Journal to Stella.

The Journal to Stella eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 853 pages of information about The Journal to Stella.

11.  The Court was crammed to-day to see[13] the French Ambassador; but he did not come.  Did I never tell you that I go to Court on Sundays as to a coffee-house, to see acquaintance, whom I should otherwise not see twice a year?  The Provost[14] and I dined with Ned Southwell, by appointment, in order to settle your kingdom, if my scheme can be followed; but I doubt our Ministry will be too tedious.  You must certainly have a new Parliament; but they would have that a secret yet.  Our Parliament here will be prorogued for three weeks.  Those puppies the Dutch will not yet come in, though they pretend to submit to the Queen in everything; but they would fain try first how our session begins, in hopes to embroil us in the House of Lords:  and if my advice had been taken, the session should have begun, and we would have trusted the Parliament to approve the steps already made toward the peace, and had an Address perhaps from them to conclude without the Dutch, if they would not agree.—­Others are of my mind, but it is not reckoned so safe, it seems; yet I doubt whether the peace will be ready so soon as three weeks, but that is a secret.  Nite MD.

12.  Pratt and I walked into the City to one Bateman’s,[15] a famous bookseller, for old books.  There I laid out four pounds like a fool, and we dined at a hedge ale-house, for two shillings and twopence, like emperors.  Let me see, I bought Plutarch, two volumes, for thirty shillings, etc.  Well, I’ll tell you no more; oo don’t understand Greek.[16] We have no news, and I have nothing more to say to-day, and I can’t finish my work.  These Ministers will not find time to do what I would have them.  So nite, nown dee dallars.

13.  I was to have dined to-day with Lord Keeper, but would not, because that brute Sir John Walter[17] was to be one of the company.  You may remember he railed at me last summer was twelvemonth at Windsor, and has never begged my pardon, though he promised to do it; and Lord Mansel, who was one of the company, would certainly have set us together by the ears, out of pure roguish mischief.  So I dined with Lord Treasurer, where there was none but Lord Bolingbroke.  I stayed till eight, and then went to Lady Orkney’s, who has been sick, and sat with her till twelve, from whence you may consider it is late, sollahs.  The Parliament was prorogued to-day, as I told you, for three weeks.  Our weather is very bad and slobbery, and I shall spoil my new hat (I have bought a new hat), or empty my pockets.  Does Hawkshaw pay the interest he owes?  Lord Abercorn plagues me to death.  I have now not above six people to provide for, and about as many to do good offices to; and thrice as many that I will do nothing for; nor can I if I would.  Nite dee MD.

Project Gutenberg
The Journal to Stella from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.