The Journal to Stella eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 853 pages of information about The Journal to Stella.

The Journal to Stella eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 853 pages of information about The Journal to Stella.

27.  I forgot to go about some business this morning, which cost me double the time; and I was forced to be at the Secretary’s office till four, and lose my dinner; so I went to Mrs. Van’s, and made them get me three herrings, which I am very fond of, and they are a light victuals:  besides, I was to have supped at Lady Ashburnham’s; but the drab did not call for us in her coach, as she promised, but sent for us, and so I sent my excuses.  It has been a terrible rainy day, but so flattering in the morning, that I would needs go out in my new hat.  I met Leigh and Sterne as I was going into the Park.  Leigh says he will go to Ireland in ten days, if he can get Sterne to go with him; so I will send him the things for MD, and I have desired him to inquire about the box.  I hate that Sterne for his carelessness about it; but it was my fault.

29.  I was all this terrible rainy day with my friend Lewis upon business of importance; and I dined with him, and came home about seven, and thought I would amuse myself a little, after the pains I had taken.  I saw a volume of Congreve’s plays in my room, that Patrick had taken to read; and I looked into it, and in mere loitering read in it till twelve, like an owl and a fool:  if ever I do so again; never saw the like.  Count Gallas,[7] the Emperor’s Envoy, you will hear, is in disgrace with us:  the Queen has ordered her Ministers to have no more commerce with him; the reason is, the fool writ a rude letter to Lord Dartmouth, Secretary of State, complaining of our proceedings about a peace; and he is always in close confidence with Lord Wharton and Sunderland, and others of the late Ministry.  I believe you begin to think there will be no peace; the Whigs here are sure it cannot be, and stocks are fallen again.  But I am confident there will, unless France plays us tricks; and you may venture a wager with any of your Whig acquaintance that we shall not have another campaign.  You will get more by it than by ombre, sirrah.—­I let slip telling you yesterday’s journal, which I thought to have done this morning, but blundered.  I dined yesterday at Harry Coote’s, with Lord Hatton,[8] Mr. Finch, a son of Lord Nottingham, and Sir Andrew Fountaine.  I left them soon, but hear they stayed till two in the morning, and were all drunk:  and so good-night for last night, and good-night for to-night.  You blundering goosecap, an’t you ashamed to blunder to young ladies?  I shall have a fire in three or four days now, oh ho.

30.  I was to-day in the City concerting some things with a printer, and am to be to-morrow all day busy with Mr. Secretary about the same.  I won’t tell you now; but the Ministers reckon it will do abundance of good, and open the eyes of the nation, who are half bewitched against a peace.  Few of this generation can remember anything but war and taxes, and they think it is as it should be; whereas ’tis certain we are the most undone people in Europe, as I am afraid I shall make appear beyond

Project Gutenberg
The Journal to Stella from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.