The Journal to Stella eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 853 pages of information about The Journal to Stella.

The Journal to Stella eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 853 pages of information about The Journal to Stella.

2.  I have been now five days at Windsor, and Patrick has been drunk three times that I have seen, and oftener I believe.  He has lately had clothes that have cost me five pounds, and the dog thinks he has the whip-hand of me:  he begins to master me; so now I am resolved to part with him, and will use him without the least pity.  The Secretary and I have been walking three or four hours to-day.  The Duchess of Shrewsbury[12] asked him, was not that Dr.—­Dr.- -and she could not say my name in English, but said Dr. Presto, which is Italian for Swift.  Whimsical enough, as Billy Swift[13] says.  I go to-morrow with the Secretary to his house at Bucklebury, twenty-five miles from hence, and return early on Sunday morning.  I will leave this letter behind me locked up, and give you an account of my journey when I return.  I had a letter yesterday from the Bishop of Clogher, who is coming up to his Parliament.  Have you any correspondence with him to Wexford?  Methinks, I now long for a letter from you, dated Wexford, July 24, etc.  O Lord, that would be so pretending;[14] and then, says you, Stella can’t write much, because it is bad to write when one drinks the waters; and I think, says you, I find myself better already, but I cannot tell yet whether it be the journey or the waters.  Presto is so silly to-night; yes he be; but Presto loves MD dearly, as hope saved.

3.  Morning.  I am to go this day at noon, as I told you, to Bucklebury:  we dine at twelve, and expect to be there in four hours.  I cannot bid you good-night now, because I shall be twenty-five miles from this paper to-night, and so my journal must have a break; so good-morrow, etc.

4, 5.  I dined yesterday at Bucklebury, where we lay two nights, and set out this morning at eight, and were here at twelve; in four hours we went twenty-six miles.  Mr. Secretary was a perfect country gentleman at Bucklebury:  he smoked tobacco with one or two neighbours; he inquired after the wheat in such a field; he went to visit his hounds, and knew all their names; he and his lady saw me to my chamber just in the country fashion.  His house is in the midst of near three thousand pounds a year he had by his lady,[15] who is descended from Jack Newbury, of whom books and ballads are written; and there is an old picture of him in the house.  She is a great favourite of mine.  I lost church to-day; but I dressed and shaved, and went to Court, and would not dine with the Secretary, but engaged myself to a private dinner with Mr. Lewis, and one friend more.  We go to London to-morrow; for Lord Dartmouth, the other Secretary, is come, and they are here their weeks by turns.

Project Gutenberg
The Journal to Stella from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.