Wake-Robin eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 212 pages of information about Wake-Robin.

Wake-Robin eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 212 pages of information about Wake-Robin.
Sparrow, song (Melospiza cinerea melodia). 
Sparrow, swamp (Melospiza georgiana). 
Sparrow, tree.  See Sparrow, Canada. 
Sparrow, vesper.  See Sparrow, field. 
Sparrow, white-crowned (Zonotrichia leucophrys). 
Sparrow, white-throated (Zonotrichia albicollis). 
Sparrow, wood, or bush sparrow, or field sparrow (Spizella
Squirrel, black. 
Squirrel, gray. 
Squirrel, red. 
Starling, orchard, or orchard oriole (Icterus spurius). 
Swallow, barn (Hirundo erythrogastra). 
Swallow, chimney, or chimney swift (Chaetura pelagica). 
Swallow, cliff (Petrochelidon lunifrons). 
Swallow, rough-winged (Stelgidopteryx serripennis).

Tanager, scarlet (Piranga erythromelas). 
Tanager, summer.  See Red-bird, summer. 
Tern, sooty (sterna fuliginosa). 
Thrush, golden-crowned, or wood-wagtail, or oven-bird (Seiurus
Thrush, gray-cheeked (Hylocichla alicae). 
Thrush, hermit (Hylocichla guttata pallasii). 
Thrush, olive-backed, or Swainson’s thrush (Hylocichla ustulata
Thrush, red, or mavis, or ferrugninous thrush, or brown thrasher
   (Toxostoma rufum). 
Thrush, varied (Ixoreus naevius). 
Thrush, Wilson’s.  See Veery. 
Thrush, wood (Hylocichla mustelina). 
Titlark.  See Pipit, American. 
Titmouse, gray-crested, or tufted titmouse (Baelophus bicolor). 
Turkey, domestic. 
Turkey, wild (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris).

Veery, or Wilson’s thrush (Hylocichla fuscescens). 
Vireo, red-eyed (Vireo olivaceus). 
Vireo, solitary, or blue-headed vireo (Vireo solitarius). 
Vireo, warbling (Vireo gilvus). 
Vireo, white-eyed, or white-eyed flycatcher (Vireo noveboracensis). 
Vireo, yellow-throated, or yellow-breasted flycatcher (Vireo

Wagtail.  See Water-thrush and Thrush, golden-crowned. 
Warbler, Audubon’s (Dendroica auduboni). 
Warbler, bay-breasted (Dendroica castanea). 
Warbler, black and white (Mniotilta varia). 
Warbler, black and yellow, or magnolia warbler (Dendroica maculosa). 
Warbler, Blackburnian (Dendroica blackburniae). 
Warbler, black-poll (Dendroica striata). 
Warbler, black-throated blue, or blue-backed warbler (Dendroica
Warbler, black-throated green, or green-backed warbler (Dendroica
Warbler, blue-winged (Helminthophila pinus). 
Warbler, blue yellow-backed, or northern parula warbler
   (Compsothlypis americana usneae). 
Warbler, Canada (Wilsonia canadensis). 
Warbler, cerulean (Dendroica caerulea). 
Warbler, chestnut-sided (Dendroica pensylvanica). 
Warbler, hooded (Wilsonia mitrata). 
Warbler, Kentucky (Geothlypis formosa). 
Warbler, mourning (Geothlypis philadelphia). 

Project Gutenberg
Wake-Robin from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.