Wake-Robin eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 212 pages of information about Wake-Robin.

Wake-Robin eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 212 pages of information about Wake-Robin.

Gnatcatcher, blue-gray (Polioptila caerulea). 
Goldfinch, American, or yellow-bird (Astragalinus tristis). 
Grackle, purple.  See Blackbird, crow. 
Grosbeak, blue (Guiraca caerulea). 
Grosbeak, cardinal, or Virginia red-bird, or cardinal (Cardinalis
Grosbeak, rose-breasted (Zamelodia ludoviciana). 
Grouse, ruffed.  See Partridge.

Hairbird.  See Sparrow, social. 
Hawk, fish, or American osprey (Pandion haliaetus carolinensis). 
Hawk, hen. 
Hawk, pigeon. 
Hawk, red-shouldered (Buteo lineatus). 
Hawk, red-tailed (Buteo borealis). 
Hawk, sharp-shinned (Accipiter velox). 
Hen, domestic. 
Heron, great blue (Ardea herodias). 
High-hole.  See Woodpecker, golden-winged. 
Hummingbird, ruby-throated (Trochilus colubris).

Indigo-bird (Cyanospiza cyanea).

Jay, blue (Cyanocitta cristata). 
Jay, Canada (Perisoreus canadensis).

Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus). 
Kinglet, golden-crowned (Regulus satrapa). 
Kinglet, ruby-crowned (Regulus calendula).

Lark, shore, or horned lark (Otocoris alpestris).

Martin, purple (Progne subis). 
Meadowlark (sturnella magna). 
Merganser, red-breasted (Merganser serrator). 
Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos).

Nuthatch, (Sitta).

Oriole, Baltimore (Icterus galbula). 
Oriole, orchard.  See Starling, orchard. 
Osprey.  See Hawk, fish. 
Owl, screech (megascops asio).

Partridge, or ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus). 
Pewee.  See Phoebe-bird. 
Pewee, green-crested.  See Flycatcher, green-crested. 
Pewee, wood (Contopus virens). 
Phoebe-bird, or pewee (Sayornis phoebe). 
Pigeon, wild, or passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius). 
Pipit, American, or titlark (Anthus pensilvanicus).

Quail, or bob-white (Colinus virginianus).

Red-bird, summer, or summer tanager (Piranga rubra). 
Red-bird, Virginia.  See Grosbeak, cardinal. 
Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla). 
Robin (Merula migratoria)..

Sandpiper, solitary (Helodromas solitarius). 
Snowbird, or slate-colored junco (Junco hyemalis). 
Sparrow, bush.  See Sparrow, wood. 
Sparrow, Canada, or tree sparrow (Spizella monticola). 
Sparrow, English.  See Sparrow, house. 
Sparrow, field, or vesper sparrow, or grass finch (Poaecetes
   gramineus).  See also Sparrow, wood. 
Sparrow, fox (Passerella iliaca). 
Sparrow, house, or English sparrow (Passer domesticus). 
Sparrow, savanna (Passerculus sandwichensis savanna). 
Sparrow, social, or chipping sparrow, or chippie, or hairbird
   (Spizella socialis). 

Project Gutenberg
Wake-Robin from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.