Quotations from Diary of Samuel Pepys eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 129 pages of information about Quotations from Diary of Samuel Pepys.

Quotations from Diary of Samuel Pepys eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 129 pages of information about Quotations from Diary of Samuel Pepys.

DIARY OF SAMUEL PEPYS, MAR/APR 1665/66 [SP#49][sp49g10.txt]4164

Ashamed at myself for this losse of time
Begun to write idle and from the purpose
Counterfeit mirthe and pleasure with them, but had but little
Driven down again with a stinke by Sir W. Pen’s shying of a pot
Great newes of the Swedes declaring for us against the Dutch
He has been inconvenienced by being too free in discourse
Mass, and some of their musique, which is not so contemptible
Reading over my dear “Faber fortunae,” of my Lord Bacon’s
Thence to Mrs. Martin’s, and did what I would with her
Through want of money and good conduct
Too late for them to enjoy it with any pleasure
Tooke my wife well dressed into the Hall to see and be seen

Diary of Samuel Pepys, may/Jun 1666 [sp50g10.txt]

A cat will be a cat still
And if ever I fall on it again, I deserve to be undone
Apprehension of the King of France’s invading us
As very a gossip speaking of her neighbours as any body
Baited at Islington, and so late home about 11 at night
Called at a little ale-house, and had an eele pye
Checking her last night in the coach in her long stories
Foretelling the draught of water of a ship before she be launche
Great deale of tittle tattle discourse to little purpose
He is such innocent company
Here I first saw oranges grow
I do not value her, or mind her as I ought
I to bed even by daylight
Long petticoat dragging under their men’s coats
Mightily pleased with myself for the business that I have done
Mightily vexed at my being abroad with these women
Never fought with worse officers in his life
Not being well pleased with her over free and loose company
Now very big, and within a fortnight of lying down
Out also to and fro, to see and be seen
Providing against a foule day to get as much money into my hands
Rejoiced over head and ears in this good newes
Requisite I be prepared against the man’s friendship
Sang till about twelve at night, with mighty pleasure
Send up and down for a nurse to take the girle home
Shy of any warr hereafter, or to prepare better for it
So back again home to supper and to bed with great pleasure
So home and to supper with beans and bacon and to bed
That I may look as a man minding business
There did what I would with her
There did what ‘je voudrais avec’ her . . . . 
Think that we are beaten in every respect
This is the use we make of our fathers
Took him home the money, and, though much to my grief
Unless my too-much addiction to pleasure undo me
What itching desire I did endeavour to see Bagwell’s wife
Young man play the foole upon the doctrine of purgatory

Diary of Samuel Pepys, July 1666 [sp51g10.txt]

Project Gutenberg
Quotations from Diary of Samuel Pepys from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.