Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,606 pages of information about Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete.

Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,606 pages of information about Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete.

4th.  Up, and by coach to White Hall; and there I find the King and Duke of York come the last night, and every body’s mouth full of my Lord Anglesey’s suspension being sealed; which it was, it seems, yesterday; so that he is prevented in his remedy at the Council; and, it seems, the two new Treasurers did kiss the King’s hand this morning, brought in by my Lord Arlington.  They walked up and down together the Court this day, and several people joyed them; but I avoided it, that I might not be seen to look either way.  This day also I hear that my Lord Ormond is to be declared in Council no more Deputy Governor of Ireland, his commission being expired:  and the King is prevailed with to take it out of his hands; which people do mightily admire, saying that he is the greatest subject of any prince in Christendome, and hath more acres of land than any, and hath done more for his Prince than ever any yet did.  But all will not do; he must down, it seems, the Duke of Buckingham carrying all before him.  But that, that troubles me most is, that they begin to talk that the Duke of York’s regiment is ordered to be disbanded; and more, that undoubtedly his Admiralty will follow:  which do shake me mightily, and I fear will have ill consequences in the nation, for these counsels are very mad.  The Duke of York do, by all men’s report, carry himself wonderfull submissive to the King, in the most humble manner in the world; but yet, it seems, nothing must be spared that tends to, the keeping out of the Chancellor; and that is the reason of all this.  The great discourse now is, that the Parliament shall be dissolved and another called, which shall give the King the Deane and Chapter lands; and that will put him out of debt.  And it is said that Buckingham do knownly meet daily with Wildman and other Commonwealth-men; and that when he is with them, he makes the King believe that he is with his wenches; and something looks like the Parliament’s being dissolved, by Harry Brouncker’s being now come back, and appears this day the first day at White Hall; but hath not been yet with the King, but is secure that he shall be well received, I hear.  God bless us, when such men as he shall be restored!  But that, that pleases me most is, that several do tell me that Pen is to be removed; and others, that he hath resigned his place; and particularly Spragg tells me for certain that he hath resigned it, and is become a partner with Gawden in the Victualling:  in which I think he hath done a very cunning thing; but I am sure I am glad of it; and it will be well for the King to have him out of this Office.  Thence by coach, doing several errands, home and there to dinner, and then to the Office, where all the afternoon till late at night, and so home.  Deb. hath been abroad to-day with her friends, poor girle, I believe toward the getting of a place.  This day a boy is sent me out of the country from Impington by my cozen Roger Pepys’ getting, whom I visited this

Project Gutenberg
Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.