[Antigua, one of the West India Islands (Leeward Islands), discovered by Columbus in 1493, who is said to have named it after a church at Seville called Santa Maria la Antigua. It was first settled by a few English families in 1632, and in 1663 another settlement was made under Lord Willoughby, to whom the entire island was granted by Charles ii. In 1666 it was invaded by a French force, which laid waste all the settlement. It was reconquered by the English, and formally restored to them by the treaty of Breda.]
from us, which vexes us. I am in a little care through my at last putting a great deal of money out of my hands again into the King’s upon tallies for Tangier, but the interest which I wholly lost while in my trunk is a temptation while things look safe, as they do in some measure for six months, I think, and I would venture but little longer.
ETEXT editor’s bookmarks:
Baker’s house
in Pudding Lane, where the late great fire begun
Bill against importing
Cattle from Ireland
But my wife vexed, which
vexed me
Clap of the pox which
he got about twelve years ago
Come to us out of bed
in his furred mittens and furred cap
Court full of great
apprehensions of the French
Declared he will never
have another public mistress again
Desk fastened to one
of the armes of his chayre
Do outdo the Lords infinitely
(debates in the Commons)
Enough existed to build
a ship (Pieces of the true Cross)
Enviously, said, I could
not come honestly by them
Erasmus “de scribendis
For I will be hanged
before I seek to him, unless I see I need
Gold holds up its price
Have not any awe over
them from the King’s displeasure (Commons)
He will do no good,
he being a man of an unsettled head
I did get her hand to
me under my cloak
I perceive no passion
in a woman can be lasting long
Mazer or drinking-bowl
turned out of some kind of wood
Mirrors which makes